New game mode

Everyone has been wanting a new game mode for awhile myself included, and I feel that this new game mode should be a step away from the heavy competition that is the basic game.
The new game mode which I'ma call it hide and seek (or something better) and this game mode would be featuring 1 killer vs 8 survivors on a large map (example macmillan) and the map would consist of all main structures however there will be no pallets and maybe 3 or 4 windows on the map, it would also be condensed by heavy fog so players can sneak around, moving to gameplay changes I would like to see a timer at the top say 15 minutes and instead of repairing generators survivors could cleanse these large totems that reduce the time by 45 seconds and maybe a total of 5 will spawn, after time runs down to 3 minutes there could be 3 exit gates that will be powered and survivors need to leave otherwise they die when it reaches zero, perhaps add the end game collapse at 3 minutes.
For the killer role I have decided that only certain killers should be allowed to participate otherwise you will have to rework them and the basic killer could be the trapper since he is the easiest to change, anyways the killers need to hunt down each survivor before time runs out and if the killer catches them they should be granted two options of elimination hook the survivor to increase time or just mori them right then and there (hooking instantly kills them), there should be no loadouts allowed either so no perks,items or add-ons can be spawned with but you can of course find items in the map maybe increase chest to 8, definitely remove the toolboxes and increase medkit chances on chest searches.
Everyone? That's simply not true. I feel like a new game mode would fracture the playerbase for a time, then nobody would play it after a month. Waste of developer resources.
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I disagree, it would bring bit of fresh life into the game and make more people play, that and also the classic. It just needs some changes to the standard, and will feature a new changes I. Balance in perks focused solely on hiding from killers and finding survivors as killer.
I am always down with a game mode that involves More survivors, but less hook states; like 8 survivors vs 1 killer would mean two hooks per survivors. You van have less pallets then normal, as the goal is to hide behind cover and stay out of sight and avoid chase as much as possible. Killer's won't need to camp too often as they can simply seek out more survivors and no be too worry about Generators at all. There will be a universal Countdown timer, around 10-15 minutes, survivors can seek out totems to destroyed to reduce the timer significantly. It would be whole alot of fun playing the official "Deadliest Hide/Seek game" then Gen Fixing Simulator 2023
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I would vote for a unranked mode:
Would still give BP's but will not affect grade, Some players will use it as practice and casuals will not have to worry about grades
Or a perkless mode:
Self explanatory really... but only Items and Offerings can be used... BP gain of course but grades may or may not be effected
But yea maybe splitting the community maybe a good thing at this point
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i don't want a new game mode. i want new mechanics.
but if i did have a new game mode it would be:
barebones mode. no perks. no items or addons. no offerings. just pure skill. and whatever you find in a chest.
oh and no swf.
oh wait. no there's one more.
killer realms mode. so instead of getting an rng based map the killer makes a map inside of certain perameters (think resident evil 3's multiplayer). of course there would be rules that prevent certain abusive features from the killer's end, but every player chooses a killer and builds a map for them. then the player chooses a survivor and makes a kit for them. then that player queues up and get assigned randomly to either killer or survivor. if killer then it's on the map as the killer that player built. if not then it's on someone else's map as the survivor the player chose. i think this would be a fun mode.
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You don't know that because there is no data since it's a brand new thing. Waste of dev resources?? what about the mori & unbreakable basekit on the PTB, that was a waste of devs time, also it can always be recycled into something else.
The new game mode probably would bring old players that quit the game and new players that didn't like the standard mode.
You know where that story happened, in League of Legends, they removed a 3v3 mode because nobody was playing it and that didn't stop them from releasing new gamemodes.