Please note: Although we may stop by occasionally, this is not a developer Q&A.

Anyone who plays on Switch getting disconnected from the host frequently?

I’ve been playing DBD for about a year and a half now and have never really had a problem with disconnecting from the host. It would happen maybe once every few weeks/months. Now since the last update when they added the new stuff to the HUD, I’ve been getting disconnected from the host like 3+ times a day and every time I get a DC penalty. I know it’s not my internet because I have pretty good wifi and I do not get disconnected from any other games that I play on my switch or computer. It’s really starting to get annoying and I just wanna see if this is happening to anyone else. I’ve submitted tickets to BHVR twice now with no response. I’m up to a 6 hr DC penalty now and it’s for something I cannot control. I just wanna play the game and not worry about getting disconnected and getting penalized for something I can’t control. Also, if anyone has any tips or suggestions on how I may be able to fix this, please throw them my way. Thanks!


  • Wexton
    Wexton Member Posts: 496

    My matches have been fine as of late, I haven't been disconnected for a while. Sometimes the games lag really bad but I'm pretty sure that's just the servers being unreliable. And frame drops sometimes but I'm 99% sure that's just the switch having trouble running the game. Sometimes I'll get kicked out of a custom game whenever I finish it but that's it, hopefully your problem will get fixed soon though.