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[PC Steam] Depipped at Bronze IV as Survivor (not a visual bug)

Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

• Platform: PC Steam

• Description of the issue: I depipped from Bronze IV + 1 pip down to Bronze IV + 0 as survivor. Not a visual bug. I was able to confirm with previous footage that I indeed had a pip which vanished after a trial. The pip didn't reappear after bouncing through various lobbies and menus and the following trial I pipped up to Bronze IV + 1. So, the previous pip wasn't returned either.

• Steps to reproduce (if possible): unknown. In the trial where it happened, one survivor DC'd very early. That might be relevant. Then it was over quickly via gameplay and sacrifice i.e. I did not DC at any point.

• How often does this occur: this once, but I can't exclude it happened already without me noticing.

Note: in the log, the trial where the bug occurred should be the next to last as survivor (Blight on Haddonfield)

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  • flatlandgorilla
    flatlandgorilla Member Posts: 3

    I can confirm this is now happening to me. According to the wiki and as far as my memory recollects, Ash through Bronze IV should only safety pip at the least. Yet I am de-pipping as a PC/Steam survivor in the Bronze IV grade level.