Exit gate changes

kaiojiiyorii Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 12

With the recent buffs to survivors and gen speed I feel end game collapse is becoming the main time for killer to push, however maybe some changes could be good.

  • exit gates depower slowly when not being charged, stops 99 gates and runs a bigger risk
  • survivors in the exit gate zone are exposed and blind, and cannot crouch or use flash lights, this may stop some toxic t bagging and behaviours, there close enough to the exit to leave for it not to be a issue unless your ducking around, if your flashlight saving in the exit zone it’s litterly a 1/100 thing that happens
  • killer gets all there totems are seeable by survivors and all survivor totems stop, this enforces risk and counter balances end game perks like noed even harder or other totems, survivors can head straight for them, but killer hasn’t got to worry about meta Totems for last section of the game like COH. Only reason I say nerf survivors harder on this is all game they get intimate boons unless they die

just some thoughts in my head at the moment


  • Bombaclatt
    Bombaclatt Member Posts: 32

    So you want to remove a genuine game mechanic (flashlight saves at the gate) and remove a way to geet bloodpoints (flashlighting the killer) because you get mad over getting blinded? Just look down, up or away=)

    Also crouching can not be removed either since it’s used against some killers for example huntress. Imagine you running to the gate to escape but she throws a hatchet that you can dodge by crouching but you aren’t allowed to crouch so you die. 🤔

    Simple fix - run towards the survivors, hit them and they will run out. Takes 20 seconds extra contra waiting for them to leave at the last second

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    Horrible idea.

    1, egc was created to break stalemate where both sides would just not commit to action (waiting at loop and such) devs decided to break it by pushing on survivors. You want to make this "brake stalemate" to suddenly work like ez bloodwarden win for killer. No thank you. This does not look cool.

    2, I can't count number of times I got saved/healteched/downed at exit gate just trying to get away without ever stopping for any kind of BM. You want this taken away too. Not cool again. And in my games the ratio between bm and legit save might be 100:1, but that 1 is actual BM and 100 are legitimate saves (yes I play mostly SWF, because solo is still too bad).

    3, i don't understand you here. If you say hexes are cleansed at endgame, then you are right. That's their design. Help a lot early, but less so late game. Also hexes are not shining blue light, don't make super loud and distinct noise and work accross whole map + endgame is generally killer sided anyway (as resources are already used up).