BHVR please add these QoL changes

Morbid Member Posts: 24
edited February 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions


I'd like to start by saying that I really enjoy this game and want the best for it but a few things are holding me back from playing comfortably.

My first issue is mouse sensitivity for ranged killers or killers that need to hold and aim their power or weapon. For example the Deathslinger. I have always used a low DPI on my mouse for years playing first person games and the majority of modern titles that I have played have had a separate sensitivity slider in the settings menu for aiming. Now you can imagine me using a low DPI for better accuracy while aiming would lead to extremely low sensitivity in game when using the Deathslinger's gun. When ever I play him he just feels terrible to control because of no separate sensitivity slider for aiming. When you aim down the sights the sensitivity becomes much lower. It's even more sluggish now that a slower animation was added when lowering the gun from aiming mode since the sensitivity modifier is locked in until the gun is completely finished the lowering animation making it almost unplayable for me. You can't freely look around you while lowering the weapon because of how slow it turns making it feel not so great to control. So my request is please, if any developer or community manager reads this consider adding the the option of a separate aiming sensitivity slider for current and any future killers that require aiming their power or weapon because having a locked or lowered sensitivity just doesn't feel great in my opinion. I have no idea if this supposed to be intentional or not.

My second suggestion is please consider adding a field of view slider just like you have in Meet Your Maker which is a really cool game btw! Your graphics options in MYM are also really good and fully customisable. I know it's been mentioned before that you want field of view locked to a perk because you want to restrict killers vision but I think this is just really dated idea now in 2023 as the game is not so stealth focused and more chase orientated. So many other QoL/Accessibility features have been added to your game and I feel this should be one of them. I also feel that a lot of other players that suffer from nausea and headaches would probably agree to this idea too. I think the current default field of view is around 87 degrees? Which in my opinion is too low and causes me to get very nauseous when playing for more than a few games so I always run Shadowborn. It sucks that i have to drop a perk for my build just for something that should be an accessibility feature.

If you managed to read this far, thank you for going through my post. <3

TLDR: Please add a separate aiming sensitivity slider for killers that need to hold or aim their power for better accuracy and also rework Shadowborn so that a field of view slider can become an accessibility feature in the options menu.