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How does the community feel about boosters?

wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145
edited February 2023 in Ask the Community

Just had some random girl gamer invite me to a party chat. Then in the game she was farming hatches with 2 maybe 3 other players. I opted leave because I personally don’t have time for it and it ruins my experience. Ended up getting a timer ban because i forgot that was a thing. Normally i never quit matches that way, but I wasn’t interested in being farmed by my teammates for fembot points.

what’s your view on boosters? Is this common? Is it acceptable behavior?


for clarity sake - the gamertag was “girlgamer” and some other stuff. Not commenting on girl gamers in this post. I have no idea what the player’s gender or sex was and couldn’t care less. The fembot joke is funnier and non-offensive with this context i think.