Does Game Afoot Synergize with Remember Me, and/or Furtive Chase?
In case y'all don't get why I'm asking lemme elaborate: Remember Me is a teachable Freddy/The Nightmare Perk that makes gates take longer for every hit you get on the obsession. It works on a token system that can only go up to four. I believe four tokens adds 30 seconds to gate opening. The only survivor not effected by it is the obsession.
Furtive Chase is a Ghostface teachable which also has a token system. You gain tokens for hooking the obsession with that perk, and everytime someone unhooks the obsession, they become the new obsession. It reduces your terror radius while in chase. I believe it's 16m for, also, a max stack of four.
Game Afoot is a new teachable from the Skull Merchant that makes it so, once you hit the most chased survivor with a basic attack, they become the new obsession. Does that mean that if you have Remember Me and Game Afoot equipped you'll gain a token the first time you hit a survivor that wasn't the obsession, but becomes the obsession due to Game Afoot, or can you not gain Remember Me tokens until after Game Afoot switches your obsession?
Also, what if you did something similar with Furtive Chase? Would there be a way to time it so that one overrides the other?
Best Answer
On the PTB if you hit a survivor who became the obsession due to Game Afoot, Remember Me gained a token at the same time.
However, this might change as it also lets you instadown anyone with Rancor for the same reason (because it retroactively applies Exposed causing the survivor to be downed instead of injured). This was submitted as a bug report and "acknowledged" meaning the devs likely consider this an exploit (because you can afk the whole game and then do this to mori literally anyone). It's also inconsistent and doesn't work this way for STBFL at all.
So I would test it again once it hits live servers.