Is Dynamic Gen Speed a solution to multiple issues?

problem: it feels horrible as a killer when multiple generators pop and you've only downed 1 survivor.
problem: it feels horrible as a survivor to play against a 3 gen strategy
problem: killers are incentivized to tunnel as managing 3 survivors is far easier than 4
solution: the more generators on the map the slower repair speed and the fewer generators on the map the faster the repair speed.
solution: let's assume maximum survivor repair speed was represented as 100%; and each survivor shared 25% of the pool. when 1 survivor dies, their speed transfers to remaining survivors; thus 3 remaining survivors would have 33%, 2 remaining survivors would have 50%, and 1 remaining survivor would have 100%.
It's pretty weird that you repair faster just because people around died in some logic point of view, but else it seems very good