[[Fan-Concept]] THE LEGION As a Playable Survivor? [[SURVIVOR LEGION]]
Art By: Dakotchi
Art By: Rambluz
And to those who aren't aware of the "Never Stop Slashing: Skins I'm begging bE for It's these. Even thought their purpose was made for KILLER Legion. I see no reason they can't be converted for a Survivor Legion.
All NSS Art By: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/rAbgRG <- Amacky
Which was made for a Community event. bE only added Frank's outfit. PLEASE bE...add the rest, this is wasted potential! For a Killer & Survivor version.
Anyways, that's it guys. That's my Survivor Legion concept. Please leave Feedbacl, spread the word. Share it with friends. I would really want to see just a Sliver of a movement to happen in order to get a Survivor Legion into the game. Just.....PLEASE, look at them, look at these teenagers...they're perfect for it!!! PLEASE bE!
Recent news of Legion getting their own comment even furthers the reason why The Legion should also be the first Killer to be added as a Survivor!