The Grim Reaper as a DBD Killer


This is a concept I have been working on for three days along with the help of others. I hope the devs see this and consider it a good addition. As you may read down below, there is no lore yet. I wanted to concentrate mostly on creating this killer. Tell what you think. Constructive feedback is highly appreciated.

The Grim Reaper Stats:

  • Terror Radius: 16m 
  • Height: Tall
  • Movement Speed: 4.6m/s
  • Nationality/Ethnicity: None

Portrait description (when selecting): The Grim Reaper is the physical incarnation of death that transcends societal, biological, cultural, and philosophical concepts. Its personal perks, Scourge Hook: Odor Timoris, Hex: Gate of Horrors, and Dead Silence, allow it to sneak up on survivors, hallucinate survivors, and reveal survivor’s locations.


Scourge Hook: Odor Timoris

As beautiful as death can be, it reminds you to sleep with one eye open. 

At the start of the trial, 4 random hooks are changed into Scourge Hooks. The auras of these hooks are revealed to you in white.

Each time a survivor is hooked on a Scourge Hook, you gain the undetectable status effect for 15 seconds/20 seconds/permanently. 

This effect goes away once you injure a survivor by any means. 

Hex: Gate of Horrors

Fear drives people to survive. No matter where you are, you take advantage of it.

When hooking a survivor, Hex: Gate of Horrors activates and afflicts all survivors with the Hallucinatory status effect. When a survivor is working on a generator, the survivor will hallucinate a fake killer approaching them with a terror radius. If the survivor reacts and gets into a chase with the fake killer hallucination, the generator will explode losing 3%/4%/5% of its total progress and will be blocked by the Entity for 30/35/40 seconds but will not regress. You see the blocked generator's aura in white. If the survivor doesn't react, the generator will be highlighted to you in yellow. This effect stacks for each survivor on a generator. 

When a survivor is cleansing a hex totem, either the associated hex totem or a different hex totem, the survivor will be met with a fake killer hallucination. If the survivor reacts, the totem will be blocked for 13/14/15 seconds. If the survivor doesn't react, the survivor can keep cleansing the totem with a 10%/15%/20% penalty to cleansing.

Dead Silence

You haunt people’s memories. Memories so severe that screaming won’t get them far. 

When you damage a generator, all other survivors working on a generator will scream and reveal their location for 6/7/8 seconds. 

Dead Silence has a cooldown of 60/50/40 seconds.

Power: The Touch of Death

An unstoppable force of nature cannot be tamed or reasoned with. Sometimes, its powers become unnatural.

Special Attack: Souls of the Damned

Press and hold the Power button to fully charge Souls of the Damned

Once fully charged, tap the Attack button to send a group of screeching souls to a survivor you have selected. This will deplete one of two tokens. 

Upon being hit, the survivor will become oblivious and their surroundings become enshrouded with darkness and fills up their fear meter. If a survivor affected by Souls of the Damned remains enshrouded by the group of screeching souls for long enough, they lose a health state and gain their normal speed boost. 

During this time, you can teleport near the survivor at a certain range. Additionally, the survivor will get a noise notification to indicate if you are teleporting to them. The survivor can repel the group of screeching souls. 

The group of screeching souls disappear along with its effects once you teleport or if the survivor repels it. 

Souls of the Damned becomes inactive when one survivor remains in the trial.

Special Ability: Fear Meter

When a survivor’s fear meter is full, they suffer from the Frightened Status Effect with a series of intermittent jumpscares. The fear meter fills up when a survivor is hit with a group of screeching souls, gets hooked, or gets injured by any means. The survivor can not see this meter and will only be revealed upon the first jumpscare. 

During this time, survivors will scream, but not reveal their location. To stop this effect, the survivor must come to a complete stop and calm themselves. Other survivors can help with the calming process. 

Special Ability: Sand Clocks

Press the Active Ability button to place a Sand Clock on a wall, ground, or generator. 

Sand clocks will emit a low volume ticking noise when close by. 

If a survivor stays within range of a Sand Clock that is placed on the ground or wall, their Final Time meter fills up. Once filled up, the survivor becomes exposed for a certain amount of time. Survivors can disable the Sand Clocks. 

If a sand clock is placed on a generator, the survivor working on the generator will not have their final time meter filled and will not become exposed.

Additionally, you can teleport to the generator with the Sand Clock and this causes the survivors within 4 meters of the generator to scream and reveal their location.

Weapon: Scythe

An elegant and deadly farm tool modified as a reminder on one’s imminent end.

Mori Description:

The survivor will get up and look around in fear in a couple of directions only to look again and see The Grim Reaper standing in front of them with a sand clock levitating or floating next to it with the final grain of said dropping down and the scythe in left hand. The survivor will fall back to the ground and The Grim Reaper will point at the survivor and suck the survivor’s soul out. The survivor will scream during the soul sucking and after that, the survivor’s eyes will go white, and their mouth will be left open in a permanent screaming state. 


Common (Brown):

  • 12th Century Private Letter: A letter sent to the Toscano family informing them of their disappeared son.
    • When you teleport to a survivor afflicted with Souls of the Damned, or if the survivor repels the group of screeching souls, the Oblivious status effect remains for an additional 5 seconds.

Negates the effect of Drop of Moonshine. 

  • Drop of Moonshine: An innocent family recipe that led one individual alone and forever gone.
    • When you teleport to a survivor afflicted with Souls of the Damned, or if the survivor repels the group of screeching souls, the surrounding darkness remains for an additional 5 seconds.

Negates the effect of 12th Century Private Letter.

  • Ace of Spades: A poker card used in the direst of situations by a young, lucky Argentinian chap. Even he cheated death sometimes. 
    • Disables your ability to teleport to survivors afflicted by Souls of the Damned. 
    • Grants 100% Bonus Bloodpoints with Soul of the Damned hit score events in the Hunter category.  
  • Dyer Restoration Project: A file containing plans to reconstruct Dyer Island all under the plans of a skillful architect. If only his father could witness it.
    • Decreases the time it takes for Souls of the Damned tokens to recharge by x seconds.

Uncommon (Yellow):

  • Melted Tea Candle: A used vanilla-scented candle. It would help with night terrors.
    • Increases the amount of fear gained by x%.
  • Frozen Vocal Cords: Two frozen pairs of vocal cords from two deceased parents. They uttered four final words which answered their daughter’s haunting question.
    • After teleporting to a Sand Clock, any survivor within range will suffer from the Exhausted status effect for 15 seconds.    
  • Autographed Bar Napkin: A simple napkin autographed by the “Shining Lion.” One fan put a smile on her face despite fearing others' disappointment.
    • Survivors are inflicted with the Blindness status effect after they repel a group of screeching souls for 30 seconds.
  • Empty Cup of Coffee: The last cup of coffee served by a waitress at the Moonstone Café before disappearing. 
    • Decreases the time it takes for Souls of the Damned tokens to recharge by x seconds.
  • Old Bandage: A bandage used to help an incredible athlete recover from her ankle injury. Despite the pain, she won the race. 
    • Survivors suffering from the Frightened status effect will give you a 10% speed boost. 

Rare (Green):

  • Burnt Candle Wick: The remains of a used candle. Night terrors would soon resume.
    • Increases the amount of fear gained by x%.  
  • Antique Science Kit: A kit made for the naturally curious. Especially one named, “Science Girl.”
    • Survivors are inflicted with the Mangled status effect after they repel a group of screeching souls. Will only appear after being injured.
  • Rotten Scratch Plate: A decaying piece from an old guitar. It’s engraved with old flowers and the initials, “KD.”
    • Survivors are hindered after repelling a group of screeching souls for 3 seconds.
  • Penitentiary Blueprint: A blueprint of one of the wings of the Hellshire Penitentiary memorized by a young journalist during her visit. 
    • Survivor’s auras are revealed to you for 3 seconds when in range of a Sand Clock.
  • Rugby Trophy: The first trophy won by a promising, yet reckless rookie.
    • Survivors are inflicted with the Hemorrhage status effect after they repel a group of screeching souls. Will only appear after being injured.

Very Rare (Purple):

  • Bottle of Painkillers: A pain medication prescribed to a stressed out TV host.
    • Teleporting to a survivor while they’re afflicted with Souls of the Damned is silent. 
  • Burnt CD: A CD found in the burnt remains of a music studio building. Amongst band members, only one survived. 
    • You become undetectable for 30 seconds when a survivor is fully Frightened. 
  • Old Vinyl: The first vinyl collected by a young heavy metal aficionado. 
    • Increases the time it takes for a survivor to calm themselves or be calmed by others by x seconds. 
  • Experimental Drug: A drug from the Opium War found by The Pariahs on Dyer Island. It was made by a brilliant chemist.
    • When two survivors are afflicted with Souls of the Damned, and you teleport to one of them, the other survivor will be met with a killer hallucination as if you teleported to them.
    • The killer hallucination will have a terror radius.
    • The killer hallucination will disappear if the survivor enters a chase with it.


Ultra Rare (Iridescent):

  • Motorcycle Keys: A pair of bike keys belonging to the first racing bike a young brave woman bought. Her disappearance still affects those around her. 
    • Survivors suffering from the Frightened status effect cannot calm themselves down. Survivors suffering from the Frightened status effect must go to other survivors to help them calm down. 
  • Iridescent Sand Clock: A sand clock moulded by the Fog itself. Despite working together, The Entity wouldn’t dare cross your path.
    • When you teleport to a survivor afflicted with Souls of the Damned, or if the survivor repels the group of screeching souls, the survivor will become Exposed for 15 seconds.
    • Teleporting takes x seconds longer.


  • NeightNeight
    NeightNeight Member Posts: 1

    This is a great concept and I really hope they add something like this to the game. An idea for the lore I just had was like Death made a deal with the Entity a long time ago to prevent the presence of Death within the Entity's realm but since Death was still curious about what the Entity was doing it created the Grim Reaper out of an infinitesimally small part of itself so that it wouldn't cause permanent death in the Entity's realm but could still exist there.

  • sabinianmoonstone
    sabinianmoonstone Member Posts: 78
    edited April 2024

    Thanks for comment.

    I forgot I made a Grim Reaper concept. In regard to the lore, I was thinking similar things to you with some difference. Firstly, since The Grim Reaper is the manifestation of death itself and a separate being/concept, it grew curious over what the Entity was doing. However, when The Grim Reaper visited the Entity, the reaper saw how much the survivors were suffering and dying. Because it went against the natural order of death being the final chapter of life, the reaper would collect the souls of the survivors and leave with them. Once The Entity saw this, it trapped the reaper within its realm without the reaper knowing, but once the reaper found out, it severely hurt The Entity and nearly killed it. As a result, The Entity partially gave into the reaper's demands out of pure fear about letting the survivor's souls go, but the reaper was ultimately tricked again due to The Entity altering the realm around the reaper, making it think it's helping survivors, but in reality, it's just another pawn.

    However, I do like your concept too.

    Lately, I'm more concentrated on another concept for DBD made entirely by me called Origins of Pain.

    In this concept, I made the perks, the add-ons, the killer's power, the killer's visual design, the survivor, the survivor's perks, what I want the killer to sound like, inspirations for the menu and chase music, etc.

    Hope you enjoy this concept chapter just like you enjoyed the Grim Reaper concept.