Expand Input Binding options.

Primarily this is in regards to controller, but having the options expanded for Keyboard and Mouse would certainly be equally helpful. At the moment, a number of Interactions are bundled together in a way which makes it incredibly awkward to map onto a controller, depending on the actions you want to prioritize. Things such as Secondary Action and Skill-Check being bundled together could be split into two, to allow for more customization.

Another set of weird and inconsistent things about the Survivor Controls, which would be nice to fix is the fact that upon using an item, the button to Cancel item use becomes the same as "Use Item", instead of the "Pick Up Items/Interactions" button. Similarly, the Toggle option for Interaction Behaviours does not seem to affect Flashlights.

The bindings already allow for the same button to be mapped onto several actions, so expanding those actions into individual Interaction sections seems like it would be a rather easy ask.

What is currently happening is that a controller user has to make a number of compromises when it comes to Keybindings, such as deciding which type of item they are not going to be using (Toolbox, Flashlight etc.).

Heck, the same is true for Killer to a certain extend: CJ techs are entirely predicated on the Survivor being able to manipulate the Killers' context sensitive Interactions, as it is forcibly mapped onto a single button.