Please note: Although we may stop by occasionally, this is not a developer Q&A.
We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

To Killer Mains Only (or any player if they have answers)

MTA Member Posts: 27

So, I'm a killer main myself, so I can understand when you run into some rough teams and you have to do what you have to do to get a player out of a game as soon as possible so you can have an advantage and a somewhat less stressful game (even though it's not fun, I completely understand), however I will play Survivor some as well and whenever I play Survivor, not too often but from time to time I would run into killers that would hard camp and tunnel, even if it's a team that's not very good and they would do it at 4 or 5 gens which is a bit scummy in my opinion, but here lately I have been running into a lot of killers that have been doing the same thing, nearly almost in all of my games, personally I don't care if it happens to me, if I get camped or tunneled in a game, the only thing I get upset at are my teammates throwing the game to try to save me and the killer ends up getting a 3 or 4k over it, the only time I am ok with my teammates trying to save me is if all 5 generators are done, or if they can do it in a way that's not throwing, unless if it's those 2 things, I'd rather my teammates to slam through the gens if I'm being camped or tunneled.

So, to the point of this, my question to all killers that do this, why do you camp and tunnel at 4 or 5 gens?


  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,434

    I don't go out of my way to camp or tunnel, but the idea that a killer shouldn't try to swing the game to their advantage at start is weird. Survivors aren't expected to work on gens only when the killer has gotten their first hook.

    Simply put, it's not scummy for a killer to try to kill a survivor at 4/5 gens. It's their role to kill survivors. There's no reason a killer has to wait some arbitrary time to try to win. Not to mention the game gives no incentive to spread hooks, because hook states do nothing by themselves.

  • ElevatedWind
    ElevatedWind Member Posts: 26
    edited March 2023

    To have a less stressful game and actually win, as you stated. It also depends on whether or not gen defense perks are used. Believe it or not, chasing another survivor who is healthy and hasn't been hooked yet can cost you the game because suddenly another two generators are done and this is their first hook, which will take longer to get the 3 or 4k. I don't camp because it can be an ineffective strategy at times, especially if you're not running STBFL.

    Now days, unless you are playing like a high mobility killer like blight...when you get your first down despite having a really good chase and downing the survivor quickly. 1 generator will be completed already and the second one will nearly be done too unless you are running dead lock. So can you really blame a killer tunnelling someone at 4 gens?

    Also, sometimes it's because a killer might have had a bad game before and this time want to win as quick as possible.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,498

    Im dbd main but if I ever tunnel at 4-5 gens it's because I have depipped game before so im frustated and just want to take the game on my advantage early as possible. I know it's scummy but well I need my pips and one depip just makes me very mad. 3vs1 is lot easier to control and easy to spread your hooks. I even slug for 4K in red ranks as it's neccesary for double pip. In lower grades last one can get hatch if I think I have done enough for pipping. If depips would be removed or lowered I would tunnel lot less as I don't care about winning every game but what I care is that I get pip or at least safety pip.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,971

    I'm not against camping and tunneling at 5 gens, if the Survivors let me do it then ill do it.

    Like if I hook someone and I turn around and I see stretchmarks all around, Ill look for the scratch mark maker.

    or If the Survivors unhook next to me, so I really go for the unhooker or just wait 10 seconds to down the unhooked again?

  • Spectralfx
    Spectralfx Member Posts: 605

    Because by first hook, 3 gens pops.

    There are so many pallets and the maps are so big, tunneling a survivor out of the game the "weakest link" if you will... is the only way to push the better survivors into making mistakes.

    In a world where survivors make no mistakes, they win. Plain and simple, the killer is the defacto loser at the start of every match.

    The moment you get a survivor to DC or give up on hook... suddenly you might maybe get a 3-4k

    The game REWARDS killers for being toxic, the game NERFED the perks that used to help us pressure multiple survivors (snowball). They were deemed oppressive...

    Well now we play gen regression in an attempt to stay relevant but that is getting nerfed too...

    I got myself Bubba, I'll probably main that for a while, face camping here I come!