Fractured Cowshed - Discussion Thread

Can we all unanimously agree that cowshed is in a dire need of some changes?
Devs changed eyrie of crows and eruption after immense feedback, a comment from peanits seems to be suggestive towards the facts dead hard change is probably on its way within a time frame aswell.
Can we get our voices heard on cowshed?
4 gyms, shack and the cowshed all around the edges with lane pallets (not fillers) inbetween every gym that connect and link perfectly. Ontop of the potential cow tree spawn in the middle with 3 more lane pallet spawns between cowtree and the barn.
the layout speaks for itself.
Map design is all around garbage in this game. Garden, Cowshed, Haddonfield, Mother's Dwelling, are atrocious for almost every killer. The gold standard for map design is Wreckers Yard/Coal Tower. We need more maps like those.
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We didn't get any confirmation that a dead hard change was going to happen. It seemed like he said "people should keep complaining about it, so BHVR can get more feedback".
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Cowshed for midwitch. Actually balance all maps. Then we can talk about lerys and both RPD's.
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Dead hard has already been changed it don’t need a change lol killers just want to make the game easier for them selves lol I dunno how people get hit with dead hard enough to want another nerf it’s fine the way it is
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Yeah, Cowshed is pretty rough. The loops on Cowshed are insanely strong and really hard to play into as a killer. A Cowshed rework would be pretty nice. I would also like to see them change Badham.
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i think the metal fencing inside the cowshed should be removed. personally. it's too safe. even with a perfect condition breakable wall it's just too free of a loop that the killer can do nothing about. that's my main complaint tbh.
assuming we're talking about the same map. the one with the cows hung up on meathooks right?