Face the Darkness with the new scream nerf

IsoSTARDUST Member Posts: 77
edited March 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

Does Face the Darkness just...not work any more unless you're using a stealth Killer and have the Survivors within 19 meters (a seemingly-arbitrary distance)? That seems like a phenomenally stupid design decision, given that the Killer whose perk it is (Knight) literally can't use their own perk, now.

I'm incensed about this, because my Ghostface build is entirely a meme build - Dragon's Grip/Eruption/Make Your Choice/Pain Res (because all of the perks make the Survivors SCREAM - roll credits) and now it's all but useless.

Why were these changes to screams deemed necessary? If anything, people are being punished for playing off-meta perks.

I'm seriously considering quitting as a result of this. It's just...stupid design choice after stupid design choice.

Edit: Yay they fixed it.

Post edited by IsoSTARDUST on


  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 3,338

    You get a Loud Noise notification and 2 seconds of aura reading if they're beyond 19m. That's it.