Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Post game objectives for survivors?

The game can be finished in 200 seconds, if somebody keeps killer in check (80 second chase + 120 on hook camp).

Then survivors can proceed to exit gates, but don't have enough point normally. Killer has even less.

How about post-game objectives?
If exit gates are powered and opened (or only powered) survivors can receive new objective.
As most basic example, upgrade chest is spawned, which gives at least yellow item. Or other stuff.
Survivors, if I remember correctly, can't all finish their objective category. This might give them a shot at it, while giving another chance for killer comeback.

Another example would be ability to power manually remaining two engines

Or get Iriscend Orb (From which you get shards), which, if survivors takes it with him through gates, will give small bonus to shard pieces.

This would be a situation where they can runaway OR decide to take their chance at bigger game.
At this point there are MUCH less pallets, maybe less survivors, items are used up and killers have NOED and Bloodwarden.

Just imagine "being so close to exit, but deciding to go for greed and dying to it OR winning the bet". This sort of feeling when you think you can actually beat killer but get murdered or get happy ending.

Obviously, I'm not sure if this will be with vision in main designer's head, but pretty sure it fits it right now

PS: yes, if you could revive totems (even only after powered gates) the game becomes much scarier.

What do you think? I accept critizm :D


  • KroolTheField
    KroolTheField Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 47

    "Just imagine "being so close to exit, but deciding to go for greed and dying to it OR winning the bet". This sort of feeling when you think you can actually beat killer but get murdered or get happy ending."

    I must say your idea is something I would LOVE to see in the game. Currently there isn't too much options for survivor to get greedy and attempt gathering some extra stuff before leaving, though you can still attempt to go to the basement to get the chest and that's kinda it. I've already been killed because I was too greedy and i'm glad I died.

    If this scenario could happend more often, it would be a great change for the game. Sadly I don't think bEhaviours wants to add new content of this kind, instead they want to add DLCs and I understand that.

    Your idea about extra Shards seems very interesting. Maybe RNG spawn for this item as well ? Or could it be only given to those who use hatch when all other survivors escaped or smth ?

  • Sarief
    Sarief Member Posts: 543

    I'm against hatch, unless everyone died. The idea of the hatch gets blurred if everyone just left instead of dying before last one goes for hatch.
    Key is exception

    About extra shards item - if it's seperately born thing in the world, RNG spawn is given, but survs must know what to look for. RNG spawn + sound (like hatch and totem). 10 seconds to search/cleanse/loot. Killer MUST know where it is.

    alternative is 2 out of 3 places that need to be activated, then it can be just gathered like toolbox once it's "released from seal" or smth.

    about bHVR not wanting to implement this - not sure what gave you that idea.
    It's implementation can be pretty simple unlike what I described (special chest + searching to get item) randomly spawned after opened gates.
    From design point - adds more to objectives.
    Does NOT kill emblem system, rather gives chance to fill objective category AND chance for killer to get some points.

    I see no problem to implement it from code OR design perspective.
    Giving shards based on item in hand and removing item from hand is NOT complicated code, afaik

    I see every reason TO implement it, "not wanting" is not counter-argument

  • KroolTheField
    KroolTheField Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 47

    I understand your Pov, and I like your idea, but it's been a while since people have posted awesome features to implement in the game (just saying you are not the first one). And in the old Q&A ( in the dev streams ) they read a lot of these ideas and replied with some : " it would be cool " " It could work " and so on ... You already know where i'm heading towards. It's not about being hard to implement but the player base want different stuff ( of course ). Killers wants more time in the trials, and survivors wants plenty of stuff too.
    Therefore, I pretty sure bEhaviour won't implement game changing features like this and that quickly. They want to stick to their usual schedule : Chapter -> Balance -> Chapter -> Balance ... and so on

    I could be wrong, or not ... Guess we can only wait and see

  • Sarief
    Sarief Member Posts: 543
    edited June 2018

    Not really, they try it (afaik) and see how it works. Sometimes MOST of the time they deem idea NOT good and they don't say it to each idea-giver
    And I understand them completely

    also, previously they were not in full control of the game, so...

    I want to believe

    ps: yeah, I don't hope it's going to be in the game any time soon. I'm just practicing my game-design skills by taking idea and thinking about it's good sides and down sides. This one is the one where I did not find flaws. Which means that when they try and see how it goes is when it actually will become obvious.

  • KroolTheField
    KroolTheField Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 47

    Yup let's just pray and wait.
    I'm all in with you