Some ideas

Can we get a perk that would discourage camping maybe kindred gives a morale boost to increase action speed since you know the killer is there. Could we also get a grab attempt on survivors as to discourage teabaggers, and finally could you add something where if a killer is carrying a survivor and they drop from a height it could add to wiggle.


  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @SirMurphAlot said:
    Can we get a perk that would discourage camping

    Perks that discourage camping? Make Your Choice. And almost every killer runs BBQ. The problem with BBQ: If the survs hide their aura, the killer must assume that everyone is close by the hook and therefore there is no sense in leaving the hook.

    I agree that camping is no fun (for killers, too) but since the already existing perks did not really help, the devs could overwork how bloodpoints and pips are gained.

    @SirMurphAlot said:
    Could we also get a grab attempt on survivors as to discourage teabaggers

    I get that teabagging can be annoying, but look at it from this perspective: If a surv takes the time to teabag, they lose some seconds in a chase. Often that can be the 1 second that you need to down someone before they would have reached the next pallet.

    @SirMurphAlot said:
    could you add something where if a killer is carrying a survivor and they drop from a height it could add to wiggle

    That can't be done with the current map designs. As long as there is no hook destroyed, the killer must be able to carry a surv to a hook (not taking perks and bodyblocking survs into consideration).

  • SirMurphAlot
    SirMurphAlot Member Posts: 34

    @NoShinyPony im talking about survivor wise, since kindred shows the killer wouldnt it encourage survivors giving a morale booster, while im at it killers should get a perk to counter aura reveals like alert and that since survivors get ones. What i meant is for the exit gate not during chases to stop teabagging at the gate because ive played many games as survivor and just shook my head at these ######### players. Maybe next game but seeing killers drop from prenn asylum with nothing added is stupid, your carrying a full adult and dropping a story down.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @SirMurphAlot said:
    killers should get a perk to counter aura reveals like alert

    Frankly, killers would not play that perk. Killers play perks 1) that help them in the chase and 2) perks that help with finding survivors.

    @SirMurphAlot said:
    What i meant is for the exit gate not during chases to stop teabagging at the gate

    Okay, yes, I get that.