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Skull merchant triple gen

Hi there, as everyone that currently plays the game knows it already, the Skull merchant is super boring to play as, and against. Specially when she has an trigen, so what could we do to prevent the survivors to instantly DC when they see she is the killer?

One suggestion is that her drones can't be activated near generators, so this will help a little to avoid her camping a trigen.

Second is that, if she can't put the drones in the generators BHVR could change a little how her power works, so it can work a little better in chase than just be a way to protect your trigen.

To me this is truly annoying, and me and the community in general can agree she is the worst and most boring killer. For real, there was an match that took 19 minutes for the last generator to be made, and with 19 minutes i TRULY say counting from the moment 4 gens were done.

Simply, there is no fun in a walking forward and backward simulator going for a gen and running to the safe area away from the trigen.


  • AGM
    AGM Member Posts: 806

    I suggested some of this this in another thread with some slight tweaks after thinking about it more but here are some changes I think would help incentivize Skull Merchant actually taking chases and would make it harder for her to hold a 3 gen.

    1. Drones have a timer that last 60s.
    2. Drones hacked by survivors now have a cooldown of 25s. Drones whose timer expires have the regular 10s cooldown.
    3. Drone radius is now 11m.
    4. Killer receives a 4% haste buff while in the radius of a drone.
    5. Survivors with Claw Traps on them have a 5% hindered penalty until the battery wears off.

    Claw Traps actively debuffing survivors incentivizes capitalizing off the info you get from the traps and taking the chase, and being able to use her drones in chase against injured survivors is now not useless as you can both get a haste bonus and refresh survivors' Claw Trap batteries. Meanwhile the longer cooldown from survivors hacking drones in addition to the drones expiring on their own after 60s will help reduce her ability to hold down a 3 gen.