Dead Hard suggestion

I made a post earlier today about my lack luster opinion of Skull Merchant and the current gen kick, 3 gen meta. I hadn't mentioned anything about the other sides current over powered issues and someone was quick to remind me that killers are just adapting to what the game has presented them, which was very fair. Both sides field ridiculous stuff and the top power level content should be reduced across the board for more variety and skill based game play. Lastly before I make my suggestion I want to state I'm a solo queue survivor and killer player.

The only down side to Dead Hard that I can think of off the top of my head is anything that one shot downs, and even then if the survivor is injured they still get use in that scenario. It's so so useful. A good part of the community loves how it is. Also a good part of the meta resides on its back, so doing any drastic changes would cause massive ripples on multiple dimensions. Personally my biggest gripe with Dead Hard is just how much it's capable of being used throughout a trial. Why try completely changing it when you can limit it?

So my suggest is too creating a Global Token for the perk. Every time Dead Hard is used 1 token is taken away from ever survivors Dead Hard in that trial. Before anyone gets crazy and rants about the implications of this, I haven't even suggested a token count. In fact, changing a token count due to player feedback and game state would probably be quite effortless compared to other changes. The perk has always been slightly RNG due to ping and such so I feel starting off any experiment of this with a healthy amount of tokens would be the smartest way too go.  It could do the same thing Lethal Pursuer has done for survivor spawn knowledge, or watching time laps of a team healing during the original Boon: CoH iteration. Suddenly every player using the perk would be witness of its usage during a match. Start with 20 tokens. See how many matches teams ever get close to that number.

It would also increase the skill cap of the perk because it would need to be rationed. Top squads would have to consider ever use of the perk, while teams who try to over use it would get punished. Killers could also pay attention and count the Dead Hards, giving them a higher skill cap as well for having paid attention throughout the match. This should have effects on the overall use of the perk as well. Some will opt out due to getting less value all the time since there would be a global pool to pull from. It would be an awful interesting experiment at the very least. Just food for thought.


  • MoNosEmpire
    MoNosEmpire Member Posts: 649

    As someone else mentioned, putting a cap on something usually means its a horrible idea for "new survivors"

  • NaughtButWurms
    NaughtButWurms Member Posts: 6

    Uh, new survivors ignore pallets and would rather run edge map. New survivors hide in corners while injured waiting for the game to end because they're still in the atmosphere of it all. New players will learn. That's what they have to do with everything. Pentamento exists and I see survivors breaking dull totems when Pentamento is up. Do we nerf everything because "its a horrible idea for new survivors" because there is a knowledge/skill gap? That argument is really really reeeeeally bad. I hope you were just repeating someone else and not making the statement yourself.

    A better argument would be: Veteran players would get screwed and upset due to new players improperly using Dead Hard. Which to that there is a simple solution that already readily exists and is used widely: SWF. People can actively choose (as they already do) who to play with. Sure, solo queue players may have some bad experiences with it ....oh wait, that's solo queue in a nut shell for pretty much everything. I wouldn't be surprised if it lowered the overall usage of the perk, and those who over spam it can deal with the new draw back. It needs another draw back. It's over used and endless in matches.

  • MoNosEmpire
    MoNosEmpire Member Posts: 649

    " I hope you were just repeating someone else and not making the statement yourself." Please tell me you're joking lol, I wrote one sentence bruh.

    And no, dead hard needs to be as strong as it is right now with the way killers are tunnelling, once that is addressed then 2nd chance perks should be looked at.