Bloodweb bugged?

notJustDante Member Posts: 96

After the hotfix, although I didn't lose any progress in terms of level and prestige, I noticed some of my killers lost perk tiers that they already had, not much since I have most killers p3 already but I don't have the Skull Merchant and Knight p3 yet so those were the perks appearing again in killers that I had already got both of those killers' teachables in tier 3. Not only that but also randomly in the first bloodweb of some of those killers after the hotfix I got an offering for the Lunar New Year event. I thought I was just imagining things and maybe I didn't level up those killers recently until it happened on Legion, which is a killer that I level up every day and knew for sure that I had all the perks because I always make sure to have all perks on Legion before anything else and I'm also trying to get P100 on them.

Idk if anyone else had a similar issue. It didn't really hurt me since I have almost all characters at T3 but if it happened to someone else who doesn't that could be a real pain.

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