Blood Warden usage with Ability Button

Dipper Member Posts: 153
edited March 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

I recently read some posts about exit gate toxicity, and teabagging survivors.

The only perk that can somewhat counter it is Blood Warden, but it's activation is so specific that it's hardly useful.

So I thought, wouldn't it be better if the perk activates on hook, but the entity block would only occur when pressing the ability button?

To balance it out the exit gates automatically cannot be blocked within the last 10 seconds of the endgame collapse and if they already are blocked, the Entity Border gets removed.

That would give Killers more control over Blood Warden and Survivors who foolishly teabag may be surprised by the exit gates suddenly being blocked


  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Years, and i really mean, years ago the devs considered a refreshing BW effect on hook. But tbh, being able to activate it on the push of a button makes so much more sense.

    Survivors want to spend the whole EGC to wait at the exit gate for the killer in order to show him their awesome butt dance? Well there is a solution for that!

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    So you want to remove the counterplay / warning from Blood Warden? (Don't open gates or run before someone is hooked).

    Well... I think that would be too strong if you pair it with other end game perks. I think then you would have to nerf the perk as well. 60 seconds on demand endgame block with no condition is too strong.

  • Dipper
    Dipper Member Posts: 153

    Well, they could reduce it to 30 seconds because you can activate it at will. And for the last 10 seconds it deactivates anyway