Putting the correct player in the correct regional server

Can we make a change where we can pick or at least force us to go into the right regional server? Im from Australia (Perth) and I frequently get lobbied with people with barcodes for names and just trashy people in general. For once, Id like to play with players from my own country. I dont care how this sounds, I just want to play with people that A) Speak my Language in the end game chat and B) give me a sense of community where I can actually play with regulars and friends that I know that may stream or play frequently, just put me on Sydney servers, I dont care if it gives me 10 extra ping, I want to play with players that I can relate to and not alienated from. PLEASE.


  • MiniPisa
    MiniPisa Member Posts: 31

    I think your queue times would increase massively. If you’re being matched with players outside of your region a majority of the time, then that means the game will have to make you wait until they find a full team of people inside your region and that could take painfully long