Fix Face Camping
An idea I had in mind to fix face camping would be allowing hooked survivors to stun killers too close to the hook by preforming a kick animation, giving others a chance to save the hooked survivors. This can be worked along with then blinding the killer so killers like bubba or other insta down killers don’t go straight into tunneling the hooked survivor as well.
They will just stand 5 meters away, won't change much.
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Gotta say the visual of kicking the killer in the shin is pretty funny. I think this could be implemented, however like @Viktor1256 said, it should be disabled once all the gens are done. During end-game, especially when the gates are open the killer doesn't have too much choice other than to camp/tunnel for a kill and this mechanic would cripple them too much
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It could be a Perk... with conditions that need to be met
Deactivates when the last Gen is done... so on and so forth
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Yeah that could definitely be something that killers figure out like a huntress with iridescent head. In some of those situations though you can easy counter by standing behind the hook or hooked survivor themselves, pushing the killer to move towards to hook and then allowing for a stun. It is really a 50/50 idea but I see it as better than nothing
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Nah no kicking that would be strong but the survivors should perhaps be able to t-bag on hook if killer is standing still..would look funny and a bit painful perhaps.
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Haha, and if they t-bag enough they get a free flashbang and flashlight🤣
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It would be great to build this into the "Deliverance" perk, as it has a lot of conditions and too little bonus. Rescue from the hook, if you hit the hook before that, then you don’t have a perk, at stage 2, the lower perk is generally useless. And the face camp stun would be a very useful bonus since it won't affect normal killers, only toxic campers.
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The problems I have are two fold.
If it's base kit, being able to do this when EGC can be activated is an issue since proxy camping can be a legitimate strategy at that point.
If it's a perk then I don't see anyone taking it for the sole reason that it's only useful in a very specific situation.
On top of what everyone else mentioned.
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How will I aggressively nod in hooked survivor’s camera?
But seriously, you can proxy camp a hook from pretty far away.