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Killer Main - Why I'm Quitting



  • Crazewtboy
    Crazewtboy Member Posts: 1,259

    Can't agree more with the gens popping early. Unless the survivors are extremely uncoordinated, you will almost always lose the first two (and maybe even 3) gens. When there is 2 gens left to be done (4 to patrol) is when the game kicks in to high gear. I find a lot of the games I play lately, survivors are quick to do gens away from the killer and lock themselves in an unintentional 3 or 4 gen. From that point, so long as some pressure is applied and you don't over commit to a chase you are likely going to turn a game around. I lost track of how many games I had lately where teams got down to the last gen and I only had one hook, only to turn around and obtain a 4k

  • Crazewtboy
    Crazewtboy Member Posts: 1,259

    I can definitely sympathize with you on this. Playing killer can be rough sometimes. Some days I have a series of good games that make me feel almost unstoppable and other days it is match after match of being tormented and having losses thrown in my face, without feeling like MMR is making things any easier.

    As others have mentioned, try not to let the first two gens popping early get to you. Unless the survivors are super uncoordinated you will pretty much always lose those first 2 gens. Once you get down to 1 or 2 gens remaining is where you want to really enforce the pressure. By this point you ideally want to have most of the pallets on the map down or at least two people dead on next hook (I left out having one dead, because you said you like to spread the hooks out, so ideally you wouldn't want to kill them super quick).

    As far as second chances go, a good bit of them can be countered fairly easily. You just have to remember to play around it and don't rush to do things. For flashlights look at a wall if possible, turn the other direction from a survivor, or sit there a minute and see if you can bait the save. Most of the time this will work. For flashbangs, if used in a chase you could look up, otherwise the same as for flashlights. If both of these things are a serious issue for you, you could bring Lightborn. For pallet stuns the only solution I have to offer is to try to bait them as well or check around the pallet before pickup.

    As far as Dead Hard is concerned, do not listen to all those saying it is your fault for not waiting. If they are in open ground and you haven't seen them use another exhaustion perk, just give it an extra second. If you rush to swing when they are in the open this would be self sabotaging. If they use it on a pallet or window vault where you have to lunge or let them create distance, you are unfortunately screwed as waiting it out isn't an option and that is where I think some people are overlooking. There is no way around it and you will have to eat it unless you are running perks or add-ons to give exhaustion or somehow manage to corral them away from these stronger loops

    As far as maps go, I have no real input on this one. You are right. A good portion of the maps don't feel balanced. They feel like they are catered for one side. The main issue being the fact gens are too spread out. This is something a lot of people are begging the devs to work on and I can only hope they see the pleas.

    I don't expect this post to change your mind on taking a break in any way. If that is what you need to do then go ahead. I take breaks myself from time to time. I hope you can enjoy your time away and come back in a better head space when hopefully the maps are fixed

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    The thing is not if they hit it. The thing is do they regular lose to it. Do they? Is their kill rate below 50%? I highly doubt that.

  • Crazewtboy
    Crazewtboy Member Posts: 1,259

    Flashlights are pretty easy to counter once you realize they are there. If possible look at a while. If you can't do that, bait a pickup. Someone will likely reveal themselves to get into position. From there you just have to chase far enough, come back and pickup facing the other way. If this still isn't working, Lightborn makes you completely immune to blinds.

    I can agree with the sabo builds as normally when I see toolboxes I think "Oh cool, gen box" but on my way to a hook see them drop down for a sabo. There is a few ways to deal with this. The first is if you are close enough, slap the person breaking the hook twice. The guy you have will get out, but the person breaking hooks has taken their spot. The other option is drop who you are carrying, leaving them slugged and chase the guy breaking hooks. More often then not they won't have a plan, and you can get an easy down while forcing pressure because a third guy has to pick up the one you slugged.

    Hope this helps

  • Crazewtboy
    Crazewtboy Member Posts: 1,259

    I think this could be phrased a bit better.

    If you are willing to let a chase go on for 2 minutes, or any amount of time where you know it could cost you the game, you should improve your ability to mindgame/corral survivors. If this is not possible, you should know when to drop a chase to find a new target, being content with the pallets you've removed from the map.

  • Grum
    Grum Member Posts: 273

    No, because it's fun to use and try to get value out of. Contrary to what most of the people in this awful community seem to think, the game should actually be fun to play.

    Also, it was already nerfed into the ground.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,152

    B-b-but, but, "fun" 'hahaha screw you, in your face' moment at the END of the SECOND chase where the killer has already wasted probably a minute on me and can only decide to go for an additional 20-30 chase or waste all their effort until now. /S

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,152

    Yeah.... the "fun" at the expense of the killer.

    Dh is just the most "screw you, in your face" option.

    The killer has already put in 2 chases of 20-30 seconds and now is left with the option of going for a third or drop chase and waste the invested minute. And that on every hook state, without camping or tunneling. So fun.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    Alch ring/ iri tag is fun to play, I'm sure it's so fun to play against right?

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