March update is a disaster

I'll keep it brief. March update is a disaster because it doesn't rebalance the game in any way instead it just addresses complaints Fog Whisperers and streamers have about the game and doesn't regard any long term damage this will do to the meta.

First off, the heal nerf... Why? Is this the reason yall buffed hemorrhage and Sloppy? Well now because of the medkit nerf, you can't get a heal off against killers running Sloppy Butcher, making the perk overpowered and completely counter any form of self healing.

Second, Dead Hard is already well balanced perk and the nerf is stupid and only done because streamers are crying how hard it is to counter it lol

Third, gen regression perk are a good idea, but the update completely fails to address what makes people run 4 gen regression perks... Gen speed perks. Yet, this update completely fails to address Prove Thyself and buffs Overzealous. This'll just make it easier for survivors to genrush when already so many of my matches have survivors bring 2-3 Prove Thyselves

Fouth, a Nurse buff?????? It took yall over 2 years to nerf her and a month later yall are buffing her by removing light burn????? That's literally the only form of counterplay she has

Please playtest your game and think critically about it instead of listening to biased voices on the community crying 24/7 they got outplayed


  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 3,009

    Please playtest your game and think critically about it instead of listening to biased voices on the community crying 24/7 they got outplayed


  • nyixxi
    nyixxi Member Posts: 10
    edited March 2023

    To be fair the healing changes were needed, but they overdid it for sure. Many killers suffer severely from medkits healing them in 10 seconds after a potentially long chase effectively wasting the killers time. My main problem with it is how you can no longer heal yourself more than twice a match unless you want to wait 60-80 seconds with self care or use other perks just so you can heal yourself once, and even then it'll take ~30 seconds with inner strength, making you rely on teammates for heals. While there are perks that help you get your teammates attention to heal you, that's still less room in your loadout to run what you want because you want to survive more than 4 minutes. All of this on top of the unnecessary 24 seconds BASE healing time in every form. I hope BHVR actually listens to feedback which I'm hopeful they will seeing how they changed the SM

  • MegaFreeman
    MegaFreeman Member Posts: 31

    I def get what you're mean and I'd lowkey agree, but I feel like this was an extremely wrong approach. Personally as someone who plays both, I feel like hemorrhage/mangled already does a great job at countering healing builds (longer heal, regression if interrupted) and this change fails to acknowledge that. Now perks and addons that apply these effects can completely counter all of the medkits since you don't have enough charge by default to heal the extra 20% required. Hell, -30% medkit efficency on Botany Knowledge was already a big nerf to fast self-heal builds. Basically, they overkilled it and didn't consider any other aspect of the game and builds made to counter this.

    I will add tho, I do agree with the CoH nerf because now selfcare is back to being a unique perk and this puts it in line with other boon perks (no more running across the map to self care only to realize the teammate brought Shadow Step and not COH)

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,700

    I don't get why people are acting like removing the lightburn on nurse is the thing making her unstoppable. No one was really lightburn nurse out of blinks, because the timing on it was really precise compared to wraith.

  • nyixxi
    nyixxi Member Posts: 10

    Yeah, I play killer and solo surv about 60/40 so what I wrote is coming from a solo queue perspective, and I agree. Though I feel like they should have just left the base healing alone and nerfed CoH + medkit speeds/addons but they for sure did too much and now it feels more like a chore than a game to play survivor

  • MegaFreeman
    MegaFreeman Member Posts: 31

    Personally I think they should've buffed lightburn on Nurse instead, not completely remove it. It was an angle they could work from on future balance updates for her.

    Solo queue will be a nightmare honestly lol. Just earlier today I had a team that just refused to heal me. I hope they decide to go back on this update and release it way later when its better balanced

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,700

    So survivors should be required to bring flashlights into every match just in case they face nurse?

    I see it far better to remove flashlight interactions with killer powers as a whole and then adjust killers afterwards.

  • MrMori
    MrMori Member Posts: 1,740

    Disagree, I think almost all the changes were good.

    But they should keep healing at 16s, nerf medkits to 65% Self-Heal speeds, and keep the Flashlight interactions on Wraith and Nurse, but remove the interactions from Artist and Hag.

  • MegaFreeman
    MegaFreeman Member Posts: 31

    I mean that's still better than having no counter play at all?

    It just brings back to the whole root of this issues where they aren't addressing roots of these problems. Same with gen reggeression nerfs.