Wishlist for Killers

Jason - Friday the 13th
Chucky - Child's Play
Leprechaun - Leprechaun
Sadako Yamamura - The Ring
Creeper - Jeepers Creepers
Kayako - The Grudge
Ghostface - Scream
The Thing - The Thing
Pennywise - It
Cujo - Cujo
The Candyman - The Canydman

off the top of my head these come to mind first.

jason's got that lawsuit thing right now preventing the continuation of friday 13th's dlc
chucky's got a new movie coming out
leprechaun is amusing and i can think of some cool gameplay mechanics
sadako from the ring is iconic and i think she'd make a cool "alma-esque" character (alma is the girl from F.E.A.R)
Creeper could have a few self buffs that he gets from grappling opponents
kayako would be scary and could have a unique walking mechanic
I could imagine ghostface being able to hide in closets and while hidden he could be given vision of all enemies on map. and if someone enters his closet he gets an instant down.
The thing could be able to take the place of the killed survivors and morph into terrain
pennywise would be an alternate clown
cujo would be a dog that sacrifices by holding the opponent in his mouth instead of using the hooks.
the candyman would be similar to freddy with a major difference.

idk. most of my wishlist is full of really unique killers that would require a lot of coding and unique mechanics. for example there'd have to be a way for the short killers to sacrifice. I'm thinking sacrificial altars and guillotines


  • Causticwit75
    Causticwit75 Member Posts: 32
    edited December 2018

    Jeepers Creepers was stated to be a no go after the rights owner's Felony conviction came to light sadly.
    I'm down with any ideas to add Killers with a unique power that doesn't just break chase mechanics personally though. My reservation about Licenses in general is the restrictions on cosmetics and changes for them. It's so fun to be able to have skins like Santa Clown for special occasions.

  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145

    @Causticwit75 said:
    Jeepers Creepers was stated to be a no go after the rights owner's Felony conviction came to light sadly.
    I'm down with any ideas to add Killers with a unique power that doesn't just break chase mechanics personally though. My reservation about Licenses in general is the restrictions on cosmetics and changes for them. It's so fun to be able to have skins like Santa Clown for special occasions.

    i disagree about cosmetic restrictions. if there's one thing i've learned from friday the 13th the game it's that cosmetics are whatever you make of them. more importantly is how true the character feels like who you want it to be. besides that there are like.. 10 or so generic killers already for cosmetics. in my mind i feel like having a generic killer and a licensed killer (such as how they have leatherface and hillbilly) would allow players who want to live the glory of a horror icon to exist while also having players that want to be pretty/silly to also exist.

    i didnt know about the conviction of child pornography/etc. towards the jeepers creepers director.

    i would actually like to see a wrench thrown into the works. like with cujo for example instead of sacrificing on hooks you have to drag them to the basement and instead of a column of hooks there'd be a pentagram on the floor or something where you leave the survivor and then they get bound by the entity or something. that would make it so the dog creates an intense 1v1 scenario, but a less intense 2+v1 scenario.

    the hooks/generators are getting mundane and repetitive. im sad that the devs didnt take the time to make "the pig's" unique feature something other than generator hunting. i'd actually love to see a game mode specifically about hunting through loot boxes or a mode where the survivor players have to solve a puzzle.

    like leprechaun could have a stash of gold in the basement that works like a totem/hex. if you take one of his coins he can track you, but you get a buff of some kind and if you escape with the coin then you get a bounty of bloodpoints. (though i would imagine that this would lead to boosting)

    idk. there are tons of things that could be added, but i just want the frame issue on consoles to go away.

  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145

    oh and for gods sake i hope they do something about the boosters.