Feedback for the Developer Update

I don't have anything much to say about the changes to the bloodweb, terror radius, rift or maps. Although there are still two quality of life changes that I'm still hoping for: being able to mute the bloodweb without muting the whole game and having a perk search bar.

The healing nerf.

I'm tentatively going to say that I like this change. It can be really annoying when all four survivors bring medkits to a match. I'm hoping that the nerf to healing overall will give the devs the ability to buff some of the healing perks without having to worry about healing becoming too powerful. I think added some buffs to healing perks would help with the sting of seeing medkits being gutted. But I think that haemorrhage will need to be looked at, because now that it's going to take longer to heal, having an effect where you quickly lose healing progress will feel horrible.

Perk changes

I like the change to Gearhead, but I still feel like it's going to be hard to see survivor auras when they are behind a generator's aura. Overzealous is probably fine, as unless you run a hex it's not going to be much better than resilience, even if the buff can be reapplied But they mentioned how Overzealous put survivors into conflict with booners, don't perks like inner healing and counterforce also do that? I wouldn't want to see those perks change so they interact with booning. Also, will Overzealous still be active when the boon is snuffed out?

I don't like the nerf to Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance. I feel like it doesn't make sense to add a limitation to this perk when it's already limited by the fact that you need to use scourge hook. I feel like it should remove more progress, now that it can only activate 4 times a match. I'm also not sure if it the "first time a survivor is hooked" properly incentivizes spreading hooks around, as i think I would value the gen regression later in the game rather than at the start and so I would want to not spread hooks until the late game.

Please consider the follow change instead: make it so Pain Resonance has a 40 second cool down. That way the perk can't be used to 'win more' when the killer is already efficiently downing the survivors, but can still help killers effectively pressure survivors on gens if the killer isn't downing the survivors fast enough.

Although I am glad that dead hard is getting a change, I worry that this change incentivizes tunneling. I mean what do I do as a killer, A) go after the survivor who was just unhooked and efficiently remove an opposing player from the game or B) go after the survivor who unhooked and have to deal with a frustrating perk? I think dead hard would elicit this reaction more so than other powerful perks that require safe unhooks, eg deliverance, because dead hard feels particularly frustrating to go against.

I think a healthier change could be the dead hard activating, so the perk can be used within the next X amount of seconds, when the survivor first gets into chase (or maybe even after first getting injured). That way the perk can't be used to make long chases even longer, but can make short chases longer. This would mitigate the frustrating aspect to dead hard on the killer side and lower its pick rate without making the perk too niche.

I'm glad call of brine and overcharge are getting nerfed. Although I wish they had just reworked the perks so they couldn't be combined with each other, as opposed to giving them both substantial nerfs. But that's just a nit pick on my end, I'm just glad they are nerfing the gen kicking 3 gen meta.

Circle of healing nerf is great, its still powerful (especially with the nerf I like the circle of healing nerf. It's still powerful, especially given the nerf to overall healing, but it's not so efficient that it saves the survivors a lot of time while healing.

The killer updates

I'm glad that the devs are going to do these little updates each patch going forward. Although I'm curious as to why they flagged a lot of these specific addons as being worthy of change. like the Executioner’s scarlet egg add-on, the Executioner has horrible horrible add ons, so I'm curious as to why this particular add-on was flagged for tweaking. Same thing with the Nightmare's add-ons. I'm also curious why some powerful add-ons from killers like the blight were left untouched. I'm hoping that this means that the add ons for these killers will constantly be slowly reworked in the upcoming patches.

Also there seems to be a community consensus that Hillbilly is not in a good place right now and is very difficult to play, so I'm glad they are making the overheat mechanic less punishing, but I don't think that the nerf to their add ons was warranted.

I'm glad that they are removing the flashlight interactions from the killers. The wraith and the hag changes are especially welcome.