Pre-Midchapter PTB Feedback.

Coffe_e Member Posts: 60
edited March 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

I like that you guys are changing things now, don't get me wrong, but with this change in your mindset for mid-chapters, there are going to be some growing pains. Keep in mind that changing this much will have hits and misses, so please don't get discouraged by the push-back against these changes, because some of the reasons for it have merit. I want to go over each change and provide some structured feedback on what potential implications these changes could have. We don't necessarily have these to test yet, but numbers wise we can still see the impact they'll have on the game itself.

Firstly, I'd like to highlight every good change planned in this patch that needs no edits:

  1. The Blood web changes are perfect, thank you so much for those.
  2. The Visual terror radius is REALLY nice, im glad you guys finally ported that over from mobile.
  3. The Gas Heaven and Blood Lodge changes sound REALLY nice, those car walls were always frustrating to go around as both survivor and killer alike, and you understanding the problems they had with stealth killers is really good. We'll have to wait and see for these changes though, since we haven't been given any reference images for how the maps will look.
  4. Both the Circle of Healing and Medkit speed changes are REALLY nice to hear about. The altruistic healing speed wasn't really important to be nerfed for medkits, but the self-heals and addon changes are going to be great moving forward.
  5. Gearhead's perk change is going to make it a pretty fun aura perk to use, definitely a step up from before.
  6. Overzealous buff is nice, but you may want to keep an eye on it. It doesn't make up the time spent booning a dull or hex unless you do multiple full gens worth of progress, but it still is something that you should be wary of.
  7. The lightburn changes (excluding Nurse, and MAYBE Artist) are nice to see for Hag and Wraith. The Hag changes make having to get rid of traps not chest or starting-item dependent is great, and Wraith is currently weak enough that Lightburn just kicks him while he's down.
  8. While the addon changes are minor (excluding Hillbilly, who i'll talk about later), they aren't really that impactful. Glad to see Pig getting something though.

Now, I'd like to go over the changes that have POTENTIAL, but also either need a few tweaks, or need to go in a different direction.

  1. First up: Pain Resonance. I would either increase the regression if you guys are adamant on it only being usable 4 times, or have some other way to discourage tunneling with it, such as: "Hooking the same survivor twice does not trigger this perk's effects", or "You start with 8 tokens, but hooking the same survivor twice takes away more than one token" That way you get more regression if you play friendly/nice and also when you're going to need it, while you get penalized for tunneling by having the perk do less for the killer.
  2. Dead Hard: I feel this perk is going in a possible direction that would be good to see. It having an activation condition means that you don't have to worry about the perk in the first chase, and you KNOW when a survivor COULD have Dead Hard, while previously it was a coin toss. I would like you guys to consider pushing it further in the direction of his other perk "We're Gonna Live Forever", and changing it so it activates not only on safe unhooks, but also protection hits and flashlight/pallet saves. This would push it even more into the direction of a supportive perk to reward you for protecting and looking out for your team, rather than just the free chase extender it currently is. Theoretically you could take it even further and have the stack you gain be consumed on use even if you miss it, but it doesn't cost exhaustion. Though this would push it more as a full rework of the perk rather than a tweak.
  3. Call of Brine: I like that you're considering nerfing the regression speed that it gives to gens, but I would say that you over-nerfed it a little bit. 125% is pretty small in the grand scheme of things, and I would've probably kept it at possibly 135-150%, since the regression speed needs to be reapplied if touched by a survivor. After all, base generator regression speed is equivalent to 1/4th of a single survivor's repair speed.
  4. Finally, Overcharge: I like that Overcharge now has a larger regression bonus than Call of Brine, but I feel it shouldn't have gone so low since it has a large build up time. 150% Would be good, but I personally feel since it takes time, something higher like 175% would be reasonable. The regression penalty from the skillcheck being nerfed is completely reasonable, and I wouldn't change that.

Finally, the concerning things:

  1. 24 seconds base-kit for healing WOULD be fine if that was only for SELF healing. It's a problem when it applies to altruistic healing as well. Altruistic healing should ALWAYS be faster than self-healing, to encourage survivors to group up, and waste combined survivor time. If Survivor Self-healing was the only one to have it's base healing time to 24s, that would mean perks that apply mangled, and mangled itself would be a bigger hindrance on self-healing, which would encourage survivors to group up even more. Please consider making 24s heals base-kit ONLY on self-healing, as that would make this healing rework perfect. I would also make sure to adjust Self-care along with this change, as it will be massively hurt by these changes if not also adjusted.
  2. Nurse Lightburn: This was unclear in the blogpost, but this change either way is a buff to nurse, and a removal of her only counter-play. If the blogpost meant that you just cant lightburn Nurse WHILE she's blinking (While she cant do anything but travel), this wouldn't be that big of a change, but it would still remove an aspect of counter-play with flashbangs from her. If this change meant that you couldn't lightburn her AT ALL, this is a change that should be scrapped since flashlights are currently one of the only ways to actively hinder her power. She's the strongest killer in the game, and shouldn't have counterplay like that removed. Just keeping lightburn as a mechanic for her in specific would be good.
  3. Hillbilly Changes: Overheat as a mechanic doesn't really do much as a hindrance for Hillbilly yes, but I figure that should be why it gets removed instead of changed. In addition, you are nerfing the addons for Hillbilly that enable an ALTERNATIVE playstyle, which is very popular among Hillbilly players, instead of BUFFING his other addons to enable more build variety. Engravings open up a world of possibilities for Hillbilly players, and should not be nerfed as a result of statistics alone.

Edit: I forgot to put this in before posting this, but I REALLY think that large sweeping changes like these should be handled with care. The fact that you ARE changing things though is very refreshing, and im glad pushing for an era of changing metas with Dead by Daylight is going to pay off. If you keep this up, and listen to the community at the same time, this game will start going in a really good direction, and future changes likely won't be as controversial once you see where Higher-level players and the Community as a whole is coming from. I have high hopes for you guys, and there will be bumps in the road ahead, but keep it together and keep listening!
