Dredge suggestions

Hello, I like the Dredge but I think it's too strong. I think it would be more interesting if it couldn't break through locked lockers, maybe survivors have limited number of locks? Also maybe locked lockers don't have yellow aura? And when it pulls a survivor into the locker, you have the option to hold them inside for a while?


  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,703

    Nah. If anything I’d be closer to buffing Dredge than nerfing.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Nah Dredge needs buffs, not nerfs. He’s got quite a few unnecessary hindrances.

  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,690

    Dredge? Just... Dredge? Community's beloved big turkey?

    Sure the new healing changes might make Malthinker's need a rework, but Dredge himself is fine. Arguably could get a minor buff or two, such as making his holding speed 3.86m/s instead of 3.68m/s

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    You need to play againts him more, learn more about his power or even better, play him yourself.

  • betelgeuseyes
    betelgeuseyes Member Posts: 268

    I main Dredge. I used to main Hag. Granted I've not played against Dredge much. That said, I thought Hag was very strong until I used Dredge after hiatus. It kind of goes without saying it's map control in lockers is strong by itself, but it is also able to kill loops using it's remnant, AND push survivors whichever way you want them to go. It puts most killers to shame the amount of map control both Hag and Dredge have.

  • Technature
    Technature Member Posts: 619

    Ok, I heard "Hag is strong" and now I think I'm going to leave.

  • Dark17Style7
    Dark17Style7 Member Posts: 17

    Dredge I think it's okay so I faced him and he doesn't seem so strong he only has the shadow he leaves behind him and as for the teleportation you just have to look back to know if he teleports in a locker when he chases you you can also close him lockers and pay attention to the sound in case a locker sounds