Hook and gen placement

Just fix the placement. To where it is fair for both sides. 3 gen scenarios are too often due to gens so close killer know to never leave that area. Or so ridiculously far from each other there's no way to patrol them unless having a very mobile killer.

Furthermore I have gone into matches where hooks are insanely close or grouped in one part of the map to where the other part is a deadzone. Usually is an issue on the larger maps.

Fix these issues because there's times as survivor people just dc. And time as killer I just say eff it I'm opening the gate. Get out so I can move on to the next match


  • AnchorTea
    AnchorTea Member Posts: 1,019
    edited March 2023

    Says the non-game designer who has never made games before, especially the scope of one called Dead by Daylight.

  • BritneyMitch
    BritneyMitch Member Posts: 151

    I tend to agree with hooks. The frustrating thing is you can wiggle in certain parts of the map if you just know where those dead ones are. For example, basement at preschool is basement doesn’t spawn there. Then other maps survivors can bring boil over, flip flop, unbreakable, tenacity and still not wiggle after a sabo hook and people tanking hits. Seems like you should reward a team for running wiggle perks and if you aren’t running wiggle perks or tanking hits you should nearly always get hooked. Same with gens. Why are there maps like Thompson house that end 100% of the time fighting over the gen in the house.

  • theceeginator
    theceeginator Member Posts: 28

    And most of the comments on here are from the players for the game designers