We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

A list of Twins changes I'd like to see as someone who mains them

It's no secret that the Twins aren't particularly well liked by most killer players. They are a killer with a high skill ceiling but with how sluggish and punishing they can be to play no one will want to put in the time to learn them. So after seeing a Tweet showing that BHVR is reaching out to content creators about how to fix the Twins I figured I'd throw my hat in the ring, even if I don't make content. I love this killer and want to see them thrive, even if it's a slim chance that someone at BHVR sees this.


-Remove or reduce Charlotte's wake up time : The Twins are infamous for being slow and clunky, and it's no surprise as to why. Victor has a 3 second pounce cooldown and Charlotte has a 5 second wake up* time, meaning even after using their power correctly you are forced to eat an 8 second stun. Combine that with the time it takes to walk over to, pick up, and hook the downed survivor you could be wasting upwards of 30 seconds just to use your power. This is one of the reasons why Twins mains rely so heavily on slugging, as if you down many survivors with one use of Victor then you don't have to suffer through Charlotte's wake up time.

*"Wake up" refers to the time it takes for Charlotte to regain full control after switching to her.

-Reduced pounce cooldown for snipes : Going for snipes is one of the most fun parts of playing Twins, but it is rarely ever worth the risk. If you barely miss the survivor, you will almost certainly be kicked and lose a lot of pressure. On top of this, if the survivor knows you are going to attempt a snipe it is exceptionally easy to dodge Victor at that range. All of this, combined with how fast victor can walk, really incentivize Victor to just walk forward and pounce at melee range. There is less chance of missing, and if you do you are punished for it the same as if you had gone for the long shot. Playing optimally is just a lot less fun for both sides here. That's why I propose reducing the post-pounce vulnerability based on how far the pounce traveled. Maybe something like 50% for long distance shots, meaning a 2.5 second cooldown for successful pounces and a 1.5 for misses.

-Let Victor hold downed survivors in place to render them immobile and slow their recovery : One of the most defeating feelings when playing this killer is using your power flawlessly but not being able to translate any of the downs into hooks. This happens most frequently with perks like Unbreakable, Boon: Exponential, or We're Gonna Live Forever, with the recovery speeds provided by them allowing survivors to get back up before Charlotte can reach them. So I think it could be neat to have some base-kit way to counter recovery speeds. Victor could hold downed survivors, forcing them to complete a "crush" action before they can begin recovering similar to when he latches on a healthy survivor.

And a couple of additional suggestions that probably don't need much elaboration:

-Some addons are pretty bad : The only ones that see much use are the Toy Sword, Spinning Top, and Silencing Cloth. The rest tend to fall short, changing the power in ways that don't matter or not doing enough to warrent being brought. Personally, I'd like to see Toy Sword be made basekit, it just feels so nice to bring. Maybe a nerfed version of Silencing Cloth too but that might be a bit much.

-Remove the invisible walls that surround the 2nd story of main buildings : What is the point of having them? All they do is stop the Demogorgon and the Twins from going for badass snipes. It doesn't make them that much weaker it just makes them a bit less fun, snipes are cool and I should be able to do them. That's why Eyrie of Crows is one of my favorite Twins maps, Victor is still able to pounce off the balcony, unlike in a map like Garden of Joy with the invisible walls.



These are changes that I think would be cool but have no idea if they would be bad for balance or healthy for the game. I'd still love to see them discussed and considered.

-Instead of slowing down when switched to, Charlotte gains an insane speed boost : I'd want it to be something crazy, like Sprint Burst levels of speed. It would alleviate the pain of having to walk across the map to pick up the survivor that was downed with Victor, and could even be used to ambush survivors that walk near a dormant Charlotte. If it's too strong you could tie it to how well you perform as Victor, the more downs you get the longer speed boost you get. So if you get punted before your first down/latch you don't get the boost, or even get hit with the current 5 second wake up to really get punished.

-Survivors will automatically pull Victor off of their back, but are now able to vault windows/pallets and are not stunned after the action is complete : One of the more popular ways to counter the Twins is to not pull Victor off of your back. One of the most overlooked parts of the Twins is that Victor can be recalled after 30 seconds on someone's back. I have seen so many survivors just never crush him, meaning that Charlotte gets a free win fighting in a 3v1 while silly Dwight hangs out with his new gremlin backpack in the corner of the map, thinking he is saving the game for his team. Though because the "holding Victor hostage" counterplay would be removed the time it takes to crush Victor should be increased, to keep his up-time relatively the same as before.

There is probably a lot more that could be improved upon but I am sleepy so I'm gonna leave it here. Feel free to suggest more in the replies and I might edit this post to add more later (If you can edit posts that is, idk I barely use the forums.).


  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited March 2023

    I’ve mained Twins for a couple years so I’ll give my thoughts.

    I agree with all your normal changes other than holding a slugged person down with Victor, it’s unneeded.

    Weird change of speed up when switching isn’t necessary, just make the swap faster.

    The Victor hostage situation is one of her big issues. Either she should be able to recall Victor much faster or give Charlotte Undetectable while Victor is attached to anyone. There essentially needs to be more punishment for taking him hostage or not allow it all together.

    Remove the 5 second stun on successful pounces, this is such bad design. You’re punishing people for playing well and makes her not fun for many people because of this.

    Referencing her addons as you did, essentially all of the addons that mention “crushing Victor while idle” are useless and need to just say “crushing Victor”. The while idle kills them entirely as that is almost never happening.

    That’s it, all she needs. Her slugging design is not a problem as there are already a ridiculous amount of counters for this.

    Her biggest issue was how ridiculously overtuned healing was but now that’s being balanced out.

    Personal flavor but I really wish Victor worked with perks as it kills most build ideas but I understand that might be too much.