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Medikits and COH needed a nerf, altruistic healing should be encouraged

tuttoinunavolta Member Posts: 163
edited March 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

As of now, COH and Medikits are definitely too fast and efficient, and that becomes a problem specifically for hit-and-run killers, who can see all of their pressure be cancelled in a matter of seconds, becoming less viable characters as a whole. This self-heal meta is a big reason why the Condemned Sadako playstyle needs the killer to slug repeatedly as it's the only guaranteed way to have the survs do altruistic healing, just to take one of these killers as an example.

COH can always be put down again (the killer needs to waste a perk slot to be able to stop a COH from continuously coming up in the same spot over and over again) and good survivors know to bless the totems in safe areas (for example, in areas where all the generators were completed already) so they can have a safe healing spot without the killer noticing - and if the killer realizes that (since boons are hidden) they have to choose between the survivors having an infinite safe healing area or completely sacrifice map pressure for a while by leaving all gens alone to go find the toten and turn it off, hoping it doesn't get blessed again as soon as they leave. COH is my most used survivor perk and the main reason I grinded shards for Mikaela, so I'm not calling for a random nerf of a perk I don't know very well - it is simply extremely good, way better than every single other healing perk (it makes nearly all of them useless, and in a way it killed the usage of Inner Healing too), probably in a top 3 of survivor perks overall, and it's so good that simply placing a boon next to a completed generator far away can become a devastating counter for an entire killer playstyle. Medikits are also extremely fast as of now (especially when paired with certain add-ons and a COH totem) and in my opinion they both needed a nerf. The nature of the nerf can be argued, especially that of medikits, but removing COH's ability to allow self-heal is imo the wisest choice to allow hit-and-run killers to shine and to shake up the meta and bring other healing perks to the spotlight (like Inner Healing and Autodidact). I understand a lot of SoloQ players relied on COH (I do too as of now) but just like with the old DH nerf and the Pop/Ruin nerfs a new meta will rise, we just need some time to try out new strategies and perks and something else will take COH's place. 1-2 weeks to adjust to the changes will be needed but that's ok and healthy to the game in the long run.

Those two nerfs were needed imo but as a consequence basekit healing should absolutely not be nerfed, especially altruistic healing. If anything, it should require less time than any self-healing option and be even more encouraged (ex. Receiving a lot more bloodpoints for altruistic healing as a whole and for using altruistic healing perks. For example Emphatic Connection could give more bloodpoints to both the user and the injured survivor who goes to its user to get healed). A meta where self-healing is more often than not extremely efficient and an overall better option than altruistic healing is a screwed up one, as it nullifies the killer's efforts quickly and without any drawbacks (with altruistic healing at least 2 survivors are not doing gens in that moment) and further discourages team play. Self-healing should be a desperate measure option that takes more time than normal, altruistic healing.

Also partially unrelated but since tunneling is a growing concern with the new healing changes, DS's stun time should get a slight buff and BBQ should get the bloodpoints bonus back, as both options discourage tunneling without nerfing any perk or character


  • chicanobeandip
    chicanobeandip Member Posts: 6

    Hit the nail right on the head with this one! I would just like to reiterate is *altruistic healing should be significantly faster than solo healing*. It’s taking time away from 2 players at minimum, and encourages team play. CoH was extremely unfair for a killer because not only did it unlock self healing for the whole team, but it was faster self healing. Seeing a nerf to CoH is welcome, but the healing times in general are a bit ridiculous.