Ada Wong’s face model rework

Hi guys!

Today I just wanted to share something that has been bothering me for months now which is Ada’s model in DBD, idk she’s not ugly or bad looking at all but she kinda looks off. I feel like she has too much neck and there’s something about her facial structure that makes her look nothing like her actual model from the RE2 remake that we all love. I wish behavior would take it in consideration and do a few adjustments here and there to make her look accurate, just like they did to Jill Valentine’s model a few months ago.

That would be really appreciated by all of us RE fans!


  • viewfan
    viewfan Member Posts: 36

    Her eyes are unnaturally big compared to Ada in the official RE games for sure. One more thing I want to mention, her RE4 cosmetic shows more of her upper back and her skin tone is so yellow compared to the rest of her body, it looks weird.

  • DudelPuma
    DudelPuma Member Posts: 329

    yeah ofc!! she looks in Resi way more solid and that makes her very attractive, i have the feeling in dbd they are all softened, lets take Leon as example in Resi he seems as if he saves people in the fire, breaks the hearts of a thousand women and on the same day kills thousands of zombies , in dbd he is a namby-pamby that scared because outside is dark

    if bhvr can't display them correctly, then you're welcome to ask the competent devs at capcom how they manage to make the chars look so blatant and exude self-confidence

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,952

    Ada just ate a few Burgers

  • Dollzita22
    Dollzita22 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    The current Ada really isn't ugly, but she doesn't live up to the models of other RE characters. It bothers me to think that while the other characters are faithful to their respective models, Ada deviates from this pattern, as happened with Jill, who had her model readjusted to be more faithful. In this way, behavior should revisit Ada's model and leave it in accordance with what fans of the character would like it to really look like.