We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

There are too many perks and most are basically useless to unused at all

As the title say there are honestly way too many perks and possible perk combinations I did that can a person can possibly have and it is 9,078,630 different combinations. 9,078,630 that is an insane number we have over 9 million possible perk combinations that a survivor JUST A SURVIVOR could possible have. A killer is slightly less at 5,160,610 different possible combinations. And a lot of them go completely unused 99% of the time. here are some examples of perks that I almost never see unless they are being used on a VERY specific build or if the person is going for adept.

  • Example 1: Buckle Up, When healing another Survivor from the Dying State to the Injured State, they are granted a 10 % Haste Status Effect for 6/8/10 seconds and the Killer's Aura is revealed to the both of you for the same duration. This perk i have never seen used while on release is was completely useless only letting you see the downed survivors aura and how much they are recovered but because now you can see that on the hud that got removed it got the haste to compensate and because all it does is the haste and the aura it only from a downed to a injured it is never seen except maybe paired with we're gonna live forever.
  • Example 2: This is not Happening, You perform at your best when you are under extreme stress. Increases the Success zone of Great Skill Checks while Repairing and Healing by 10/20/30 % when in the Injured State. This is a beginners perk and even then I have never seen someone use this perk. While general perks can be kind of a gimme since most people will usually gravitate to the teachables since they have more impressive and usually more powerful perks to be used. But to continue with the point all this perk does is make the great skill check larger only when you are injured while in the new meta that is trying to be pushed by yall for us to stay in an injured state this may be a better perk to combo with hyperfixation this is once again a perk that is made for very specific builds.
  • Example 3: Rookie Spirit, You keep a careful eye on objectives when they are slipping away. While repairing Generators complete 5/4/3 Good or Great Skill Checks to activate Rookie Spirit for the remainder of the Trial: Once active, the Auras of any regressing Generators are revealed to you. This has 2 things to it 1 is you have to activate it by hitting skill checks to even use it. and after its activated you see any gen regressing. this perk is generally not that great for 2 reasons 1 because you have to activate it and 2 because this is heavily reliant that the killer will kick gens while this also can probably be activated by jolt and the like all you see is the auras that they are regressing not anything else generally overlooked because of this

Ok thats a few survivor examples lets look at some killer examples to balance this and show some of the issues.

  • Example 4: Beast of Prey, Your lust for a kill is so intense that your connection with The Entity is momentarily lost, making you totally unpredictable. Upon gaining the Bloodlust Status Effect, Beast of Prey activates: Grants the Undetectable Status Effect for as long as Bloodlust is active. Beast of Prey grants 30/40/50 % bonus Bloodpoints for actions in the Hunter Category. This I have only seen use for either adepting Huntress or for the tome challenges which do basically the same thing. you get undetectable after and only after getting bloodlust but by then you will probably have already lost bloodlust because you have either downed the survivor or have done something that would have lost you bloodlust.
  • Example 5: Hangman's Trick, Unlocks potential in your Aura-reading ability and your ingenious modifications to Hooks alert you of tampering. Gain a Loud Noise Notification whenever a Survivor begins sabotaging a Hook. While carrying a Survivor, see the Aura of any Survivor within 2/4/6 meters of any Hook. same deal as beast of prey i only use this and have only seen this on tome challenges and pigs who are trying to get their adept and honestly its kinda worse that it was at release while the aura reading to see a survivor who is about to sabo a hook to try and save is a nice touch. The original use of the perk was made to deny sabos completely since i know at the beginning of the game hooks basically were perma gone with one person with sabo and the only place to hook was the basement. so this was made to completely counter that and in the name this perk could have amazing potential like make them have a debuff to hook sabo or something that really shows amandas character of playing dirty and her games being unwinnable. this is at the very bottom of usage on nightlight at a .18% pick rate
  • Example 6: Zanshin Tactics, Unlocks potential in your Aura-reading ability. You are mentally alert and aware of key points on the battlefield. The Auras of Breakable Walls, Pallets, and Windows are revealed to you within 24/28/32 meters. i have checked the stats on this one on nightlight and it is in the bottom 3 with hangmans and septic touch, zanshin has a .30% pick rate zanshin is basically a widows of opportunity but for killers however while survivors use windows and its currently at a 31.93% pick rate which is at the top killers do not use it at all literally being more than 100 times less in pick rate. why? because killers usually dont need this information as much as the survivors because the survivor always needs to be aware and know where the nearest pallet or window is so they can loop or make a quick escape killers do not usually need this information since they can still abuse tiles without knowing the exact placements by learning and adjusting. also honestly for killers in my opinion the extra aura reading clutters up the screen even more.

People are very welcome to come and talk about perks that they never see or arent usually used and devs I welcome you to join this discussion as well while I understand there are only so many different things you can do with perks but when you try and take away very powerful perks to "shake up the meta" this doesnt do that doing things like you did with off the record or other perks that had extremely low usage that now are seen more often that is what we want. we want you do shake up the meta by giving perks that have little to no usage a new life to something people actually want to use. Thank you for you time


  • FootMan2893
    FootMan2893 Member Posts: 333

    The problem is a lot of perks were implemented with the idea of countering specific mechanics/other perks. A lot of them were also introduced solely as a bandaid fix to balance issues that weren't being addressed at the time.

    You could run a gen slow down build on killer or you could run mad grit and light born which was relevant in the age of sabo squads and insta blinds. I wonder which is going to see more usage.

    Others were created in a failed attempt to break the meta but they never allow those perks to be statistically or mechanically strong enough to over shine the viable stuff. Hangman's trick was on the fast track to being an A or S tier information perk and would've held a slot in a lot of perk builds. But we couldn't have that so it was nerfed before it ever left PTB.

    A more modern example is Shattered Hope. They created arguably the worst set of survivor perks to ever plague the game and needed an immediate fix to it. Couldn't be asked to tune down numbers or figure out a mechanical limitation to the perks, so they added a killer perk to counter it. However now as a killer you've lost 1 perk slot out of 4 with no beneficial side effects where as you've made a whopping 1-2 slots out of 16 kind of useless for the survivor side.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,983
    edited April 2023

    Rookie Spirit is a solid perk vs the current meta, but Survivors seem to refuse to run it, same thing with visionary or deja vu.

    I rather Survivors had open minds to perk usage than being told to death threats in post game chat cause they 3gen'ed themselves

  • Archael
    Archael Member Posts: 817

    Perks are the only thing (apart visual distinction) the survivors brings into the game, so every one od survs need to have perks to justify why buy those.

    At the same time, buying perks is p2w mechanic and it does not matter how cheap it could be.

    Perk overflow is the reason why lot of perks are so weak, there is very little things perks can do, and very limmited interactions player can do, and no perk can exceed from that.

    There is very little about perks devs can do:

    1. Shifts perks balance now and then.
    2. Admit there is too much perks and most of them are underhelming and overhaul the system:
      1. Reduce number of perks by a lot, and make new dlc brings max of 1 perk per character.
      2. Rebalance all perks
      3. Make all perks be free to everyone AND AT THE SAME TIME
      4. Change monetization focus from selling perks (which is p2w) to cosmetics, maps including.
        1. (I would love to see adjustable hooks and generators, not only charms, but whole visuals od those).