Pyramidhead’s Cage

Is there a reason why none of the perks work off the cage? The one I’m most concerned about is the endurance. It seems a waste for both the rescuer and the rescued to both be dealt damage causing the rescued to go back down. I feel like there should be some kind of protection to the person in the box given that PH’s power is long range. It kinda sucks to save and the person you saved just goes back down immediately bc PH charged up the trials.


  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    because its a cage not a hook. thats basicly one of pheads features nothing that works on hooks works on his cages be it for survs or phead himself

  • chibizodo
    chibizodo Member Posts: 162

    Im aware it’s his power but I still feel there still should be some kind of protection for the survivor in the cage.

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    i could be wrong but does the cage not get teleported away when he comes to close for a certain time?

  • chibizodo
    chibizodo Member Posts: 162

    It does but not enough for you to pull the save and him charge a trail it to hit both of you. As the rescuer I don’t mind getting hit but the person who was just caged shouldn’t have to go down bc of it

  • chibizodo
    chibizodo Member Posts: 162

    Oh idk where my response went but as the survivor rescuing from the cage I don’t mind taking the hit even if it results in a down for me, but the caged survivor doesn’t deserve to immediately go back down. We have endurance for hooks so why not PH’s cage too?

  • chibizodo
    chibizodo Member Posts: 162

    Im fine with perks not working with it but I feel the uncaged survivor should have some kind of protection so instances like that clip don’t happen. Perks sure but atleast give the caged survivor a chance imo

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,224

    Part of his power with the cages is that no perks on either side are allowed to interact with them (Kinship is an exception, but that’s a bug that’s getting fixed next update so soon that won’t work anymore either). Perks like DS don’t work, but neither do killer perks like PGTW.

    I think the cages should grant the basekit BT effects though, because that isn’t a perk and as you said there’s nothing the uncaged survivor can do if PH is nearby.

    This mechanic does exist but only if he’s within 5 meters of the cage and his ranged attack has an 8 meter range so he can get around that easily.

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    well okey good to know and easy to fix make the range bigger that way he cant cheese it and the cage keeps its theme of being completly diffrent from hooks

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    pyramid head entirely based around the idea of hard-tunneling people out of cages so base-kit BT would make it harder to tunnel people out of the game thus nerfing his only relevant ability. When you have powers like this based off exclusive tunneling, it shows that tunneling is going nowhere for dbd. it is inherently part of the game. The torment would have no threat-level if they nerfed his cages and I cannot think of anything that could replace that strength of his. Even giving permanent wall-hack with torment debuff would be worse then the inability to tunnel out of cages.

  • pigslittlepet
    pigslittlepet Member Posts: 483

    i'm a pyramid head main and while i don't tunnel unnecessarily more than i have to in some situations if you don't want to give a p-head a chance to cage you than you just need to hold w whenever he puts down his knife. take the damage state or down in some circumstances but if a p-head wants to tunnel he will just hook you and move on until he find another person and he'll try and torment them. if he doesn't torment anybody than he is just a normal killer with a pretty mind gameable m2. if your team is effeciant on gens you won't have too much trouble. if a pyramid is playing a tunnel game for the win from the beginning and you deny him that then he is very unlikely to win a normal match where people deny him his torment.

  • chibizodo
    chibizodo Member Posts: 162

    The torment does have a threat level to it? If you go to the cage then you get rid of torment and vice versa; if you hook and they are dead hook tormented then you can just slice them. So there would still be reason to not step in it. But being hit with a trail while getting free from the cage seems hardly fair. The basekit endurance I feel is necessary since we have basekit endurance after unhook.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    slicing them is irrelevant reward. Its tunneling aspect that makes pyramid head strong. the ability to chain a cage into a hooks. Many people rate pyramid head as like. top 5 killer. it has nothing to do with his ranged attack. nothing to do with his mori. everything to do with his cage-tunneling. Base-kit BT is for hooks, it is not for cages. The entire threat of torment and his entire power is that one quirk. nothing else. I am not going pretend that he is enjoyable to play against because... well a lot of survivor dislike hard-tunneling but the guy is hard-tunneller. not much more to say about him.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,224

    While his cages certainly enable tunneling, that doesn’t make it good design. I am mostly fine with the cages as they are, I just don’t like that being uncaged near PH can lead to an uncounterable down. They would still retain all their other benefits of bypassing survivor perks and being a quick alternative to a hook that allows PH to bypass the time needed to hook a survivor. You’d still be able to tunnel, you just wouldn’t be able to down someone straight out of the cage.

    What I mainly want for PH is for him to have a proper addon set that has viable options other than just range. That Scarlet Egg buff they're doing next update is not going to do anything meaningful.

  • chibizodo
    chibizodo Member Posts: 162

    Everything about the cage can stay the same but give the uncaged survivor proper endurance so they can’t go down immediately after being freed. Wasn’t that the entire point of giving basekit endurance off hook to deter tunneling? So why shouldn’t it be applied to the cage?

  • Steakdabait
    Steakdabait Member Posts: 1,298

    bad game design. Literally a built in tunnel mechanic

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    I mean what is the point if you do not bypass the most obvious anti-tunnel/anti-camp mechanic that appears in every match? Base-kit BT. The perks are situational and may not appear in the match. base-kit BT is in every match so it ensures that his torment always gets value. I do not play much of pyramid head because I find him very boring to play but I understand his strategy.

    He does not need any add-on's to enable his strategy. he does everything he has to do base-kit. they could put add-on that heavily buff him but its like why? He is already good without needing any changes. I just find him boring to play as and boring to play against. The character is really dry.