Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

A suggestion for saving the game

Return swf and solo queue into their own modes.

the problem at hand (that behavior does not want to remove) is swf. Most of the issues with the survivor side revolve around the exploitative advantage playing swf has on the game. Now I know that this is wishful thinking to just say it should be removed-so this is why I suggest my opening statement.

before I give my idea; upfront I would like to say that this isn’t too crazy of a suggestion because this are modes that already existed in the game before-the only difference is well giving them there own server (so that solo queue and swf do not join games together. THERE WILL NOT BE SUCH A CONSTANT NEED TO ALWAYS BALANCE THE GAME DRAMATICALLY BECAUSE BOTH MODES WILL HAVE THEIR OWN DIFFERING BASE GAME STATS.

For example

SWF mode) this can be competitive mode or hard mode.

-keep current base game stats: base game killer buffs like breaking animation, speed weapon wiping speed, recovery action speed. And base game survivor nerfs.

-Remove survivor hud indicators. This is redundant if you are playing in a team on comms. This does make survivors oppressive because seeing the hud indicator give swfs less to communicate about.

-repetitive perk selection prevention:

4 man swfs) a perk can only be selected amongst the whole team a max of 2 times.

swf consisting of two teams of two survivors) each team can only select (within their own team) a perk only once.

example: player A & B are in a swf together and player D & C are in a swf together. Player A & B cannot pick any of the same perks. Player D & C cannot pick any of the same perks. However team AB can select the same perks as team CD. This prevents swfs from selecting a perk more then two times.

-I guess if you want to keep healing nerfs (I think this is an exaggeration but if you are to keep it: it should go to swf mode.

-current perk stats/trend: AKA buffed killer perks and nerfed survivor perks.

-keep this sbmm or mmr non-sense

swf mode is intended to be a challenge as playing as survivor with all of these nerfs should be a challenge in a swf. And killer should will still have the challenge of having to go against a coordinated team on comms.

solo mode) This can also be the skill mode

-Use pervious base game stats: no base game killer buffs no base game survivor nerfs.

-keep or remove survivor hud indicators: there not extremely useful in my opinion. The only reason I would say keep is because solo queue has the bare minimum of information given.

-previous perk stats/abilities: original perks with actual balancing that is not biased.

-create gameplay mechanics that prevent camping and tunneling (IN THIS MODE ONLY). To balance it out some survivor perks (in MOSTLY, it’s original state) can keep their post exit gate nerf. Like dead hard or decisive strike cannot activate once all generators have been repaired.

-MY PERSONAL IDEA) in regards to boon perks.

1) you could not show all survivors the aura of the boon: that way just like in the case of hex totems-the survivors have to go out of their way to find it (walk into the blue area of the boon).


2) only survivors with boon perks equipped can benefit from using their own selected perks when walking into any active boon. This makes the most sense to me any ways if a survivor is supposed to be “magical” then why are all the survivors doing magic and not exclusively the survivor that brought the magic? I wasn’t against the whole team benefiting but if your going to nerf boons you might as well go with this idea.

keep the ranking system.

solo queue is the mode where players learn how to use skill. It’s fair on killer side because survivors will not be coordinated (like if they were on comms), so it gives a more natural way of learning how to play the game. Survivors in this mode have to learn how to play skillfully with no shared information.

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