A small Solution....

Honestly, I've haven't played this PTB, but I've watched a lot about it and I think I see what they're trying to do, with the healing changes it's obvious that they are trying to find some lee way for the killers, Which is fine, as a hardcore survivor main it feels like killers REALLY have to buy some time for themselves. In the games defense it's all about strategy, yet the killers can only buy so little. My solution to this is quite simple.... Add two more generators. Overall, the trial starts with seven total generators. As we all know, two will remain if all generators are fixed. With all of the generator perks the trial might as well be called a match, because when I hear trial, I expect a horrific roller coaster, a battle uphill, dare I say Tedious but that's what I love about this game! So with that in mind, add two more generators.
There's nine total generators, so the healing is the same, but the Trial is GUARANTEED to last longer, on top of that, the killer is manipulating the Trial. So I believe this could keep healing the same and give killers just enough time to have a window. I feel very confident saying that the only problem that might arise are the people who want a faster Trial, otherwise it seems like there's an opportunity for killers, survivors and all their perks!