Solo survivor is only going to get worse with healing nerf/dead hard nerf along with tunnelling.

smartemarte Member Posts: 254
edited April 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

Maybe when its 4 SWF that play constantly it is hard for most killers(other than blight and nurse) but i'm sick and tired of how bad the matchmaking system is for solo survivors

I've just played a game vs a Wesker and not 1 gen got done because all 3 of my team mates were running around like headless chickens, first down within 30 seconds and they didn't even attempt to do a generator and I had to go and save them because there is 0 point in getting a single gen done when I know the game is over before it even started.

One survivor opened a chest right infront of the killer and the other 2 just sat in a corner behind a rock ... there is absolutely no way that I am the same MMR as these people, every single match is a complete coin flip if i'm going to get survivors around the same skill level and I might have a chance of escaping or i'm matched with complete beginners and it's a waste of 10/15 minutes....

I use Dead hard, Decisive every game not because DH is broken but because it's the only way to stop killers tunnelling you and it's only going to get worse if you can't use it in the first chase now. (wait to see how many more disconnects you get when people go down within 30 seconds)

Post edited by smartemarte on


  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,244

    Well. According to some killer mains here, there are 1000s of survivors for each killer, meaning there are 0 problems creating good team of survivors that are all at same skill level against any killer /s

    This update will be super tough on all survivors. No matter how much some killers complain about OC/CoB/PR. I just hope devs will rebalance it again next patch.

  • randonly
    randonly Member Posts: 456
    edited April 2023

    30s or less of chase is what blight and nurse and the most top-tier killers can do, especially in tournaments, but the maths around it in macro game only work if you take into account teams with builds (perks) in synergy and comms and help after downs (even with some perks not allowed), which it's not the reality of most game lobbies, but as for the question of the changes themselves, it was the best they could do from all of our feedbacks since you have three roles togheter: killer, survivor and solo survivor.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 2,291

    Welcome to online multiplayer video games.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 1,850

    First off, remember that it is escape based matchmaking, not skill based matchmaking. Since the design is hoping it took skill to escape, the current MMR is horrifically flawed.

    Secondly, I do think this is mostly a case of recency bias, as well as negativity bias. The lows sting more than the highs give you a rush. If you recorded the past 5 matches then you might find better results than taking 1 match in a vacuum.

    Third, despite the incentive being 100% survivor, I've found you often get better matches when you queue as the opposite of the current incentive. For whatever reason, I get brainlets as teammates at 100% surv, and god-tier loopers when I play surv at 100% killer incentive. (An exaggeration sure, but still more true than not.) If BP isn't a concern, queue in the opposite role for a match or two and test that out.

    Finally, sadly yes tunneling is a core design flaw that still has no basekit method of being addressed. As long as you queue worried about being tunneled, it will hurt more when you or someone else is tunneled in a match. Try to go in the match with a non-standard goal like a tome, or longest time in chase. Use a perk randomizer to go in with the goal of getting value with as many perks as possible. Killer is the only role where your success is entirely dependent on you, so if you hate being let down by teammates or annoyed by the opposing killer's choices/action, queue as killer instead.

    Just remember, its a party game. Goofing around is your best chance to have fun.