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Bloodpoint cap

Since there's going to be a new Rift soon and the anniversary event is coming up in two months, I was wondering about the following:

My plan is to cap out 2 million Bloodpoints and get to Iri 1 on both sides in June, so I'll get 2 million Bloodpoints on reset so I'll have 4 million Bloodpoints to spend on anniversary stuff (I did that last year when the cap was 1 million).

The free track of the Rift now gives you Bloodpoints as well (1 million in total, if I'm not mistaken). If I don't claim my rewards and wait till June, will the 1 million go on top of the 4 million, or do they count towards the Bloodpoint cap? Or should I wait with claiming them until I've spent the 4 million Bloodpoints?

I just want to save as many Bloodpoints for the anniversary event as possible since I don't need them at the moment. Normally I immediately claim the rewards from the Rift so I don't know if they disappear if you claim them once you've capped out at 2 million or if they go on top like the Bloodpoints you get for login rewards or codes do. I'd be very upset if I reached the cap, claimed the Bloodpoints only to lose them all...

Hope someone can help!

Best Answer

  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611
    Answer ✓

    Bloodpoints from the rift rewards will be added over the 2M cap, so your plan should work! (but bloodpoints from the tome challenges won't be added so claim those after spending enough to go back under the cap)
