Quick and Quiet is a worse Cut Loose?!

I understand everyone right now is not a big fan of the Tools of Torment chapter, I personally love this theme with the trap master and everything but I have to disagree with Cut Loose. I feel this chapter would've been amazing but There's no major difference compared to Quick and Quiet. I'll go far as to say that Cut Loose might as well have been a rework for Quick and Quiet. In a typical Dead by Daylight Trial, if a survivor would run Quick and Quiet, most likely they're running it for a locker play and even if that was the plan, Quick and Quiet will activate before the play because you might vault over something. Quick and Quiet almost never works for me, it's either right to the locker or you're not making a play. Other Builds that work well with Quick and Quiet is Dance With Me... but if that was the case, you might as well run Cut Loose. I think this could be solved if Quick and Quiet was either like Cut Loose, or have it where the perk activates when rushing into a locker.
Cut Loose doesn't apply on the first vault, the first vault is just the trigger for all vaults after the first within the 6 seconds of the last vault to be quiet. This can be useful on say Lery's or revaulting at a jungle gym. But a lot of the time you won't get a chance to make a lot of value silent vaults.
Quick and Quiet also works on lockers and being a perk only restricted by the cooldown (and not even a long one) means that it's far easier to get consistent value from the silent vaults.
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If you use both QaQ and CL you should be able to do some interesting plays? If also paired with Lithe and dance with me? Just thinking out loud here 😀
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I see the consistency in Quick and Quiet, but don't see (without Dance With Me) the value... you vault once, but the killer can simply see your scratch marks, unless they're mind gaming themselves. I guess all perks don't have a lot of value by themselves, it just feels like they didn't put a lot of effort in Cut Loose.
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While that is true, Quick and Quiet just feels like it's 1% of the build. Quick and Quiet is only effective at the first vault, and if you're going to run Lithe and Dance With Me, then what's the point of Cut Loose?