Totem spawn offerings


I'm assuming that there's going to be revisions to totem placement (someday...), and this suggestion is with that in mind.

There should be Killer offerings that make 1/2/3 more dull totems appear on the map that game, and these should be secret offerings. Reasons this would be useful:

Having more totems total would make hex builds... less nonviable, since as is, someone crazy enough to run 4 Hex perks will have an 80% chance of losing a perk if any totem is found.

If it was a secret offering, the survivors wouldn't know just how many totems there are, strengthening Thrill and NOED, and also, the killer playing a secret offering would no longer tell the survivors that there's almost certainly a Mori in the game. A common totem offering could force the survivors to play like there's a red Mori active.

More totems means more possible points for the survivors, but the survivors getting more points doesn't hurt the Killer... however, the survivors spending more time cleansing totems instead of doing gens does help the killer.


  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    I know what you're trying to say and I get it but I'll respectfully say that, that is a ridiculous idea.