New perk to tackle annoying strategy

I just had a 1 hour game because 2 survivors were left and decided to hide the entire game.

There were 2 generators left to complete so I couldn't open the gate to finish the game.

The result was 2 survivors wasting an hour of my time because I couldn't find them the entire match.

My suggestion, a new perk to battle this annoying strategy.

Effects of the perk: after not being in chase for 180/150/120 seconds, this perk activates. While this perk is active, ALL survivor's auras are revealed to you as long as this perk remains active. The effect lingers for 10 seconds after the perk deactivates.

The perk deactivates after you start a chase with any survivor.

The perk cannot activate while someone is on a hook.

I know permanent survivor auras are extremely strong, however, this perk only punishes survivors who make the game boring and waste the killer's time. Also, it won't incentivize camping, because it has an anti-camping mechanic.

For 99% of the games, this perk might not even activate, so maybe you can add a secondary effect to this perk to make it a bit more worth it.


    SOULWARRIOR71K Member Posts: 464

    Did you aggressively camp/tunnel the first 2 survivors out of the game? Because survivors going out of there way to just hide for long periods of time is usually a direct response the killer doing this (not always tho).

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Not everything needs to be fixed... by a perk.

    The trial should have a time limit anyways for this scenario. Or make this a base feature.

  • SixShotOcelot
    SixShotOcelot Member Posts: 121

    Interesting that this and it's opposite (Killer body blocking a survivor in corner until match ends) are both in "Recent Discussions".

    A) Something definitely needs to be done for BOTH sides regarding holding the other hostage. Killers, body blocking a survivor for infinite time & survivors endlessly hiding until game timer ends.

    B) Solution for both should absolutely NOT BE A PERK

    C) Asking OP if they "played a particular strategy" (ie: camping/tunneling) is quite the moot point. Holding the game hostage is still "holding the game hostage", thus a reportable offense that is against ToS. Regardless of whether or not they did, and regardless of whether or not the survivors did it in response to such a thing.

    I actually like OPs suggestion regarding the perk idea, but I think it should be base (not a perk) and also have a longer activation requirement (closer to 3-5min). Perhaps killer instinct would be better as it can't be avoided by lockers. Crows seem like they are intended to prevent this but can easily avoided.

    For survivors being held hostage (body blocked in corner), they should similarly have an effect to counter this after ~3-5 minutes. Perhaps they lose collision with the killer. This allows corner body block strats with killer powers to still be used (such as plague, bubby, billy). However, prevents endlessly holding someone in place denying them the ability to play the match.

    Great topic though!

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    there is a killer perk called Whispers. The perk is highlight in white whenever a survivor is within 32 meters of your killer location. The perk is bad when it comes to tracking 4 survivors on the map however it can find any survivor when there are 1-2 survivors.

    Very bad perk but it does destroy end-game stealth if you care to waste perk slots to do that.

  • pigslittlepet
    pigslittlepet Member Posts: 483

    I like your idea but I think it should activate when the killer hasn't been in chase for 3 4 minutes. I have a member of my swf who is the gen jockey. He's ######### at chase but he has a knack for never being found. He quietly does tons of gen progress but never gets found while we run the killer. I don't want to see him suffer just because he did his part of the job.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,285

    The perk is in game for a VERY VERY long time. Almost nobody ever uses it, because all the aura perks are actually better in normal gameplay (with whispers - you need to triangulate position of the survivor that can actually move - that takes quite some time - making it to a large part useless perk compared to every other option). If endgame hiding is such a problem for you, this perk is excellent suggestion.

    However if you still want to play the game with 4 useful perks, I would suggest you darkness revealed instead - whenever you open locker, all survivors in their vicinity will be shown to you (but not ppl in lockers and not people with distortion while they still have some stacks left (but you are draining them a little quicker this way then they can charge them) and not people that hide far away from lockers). It's less useful then whispers for endgame, but it's actually much more useful during normal games.