Bleed out faster/give up option?
Thoughts on an option to bleed out faster or give up when slugged? Slugging is considered a tactic though it’s incredibly boring and at times seems unfair. Like when there’s only 2 Survs left and the killer leaves one slug to hunt for the other to take away the possibility of hatch. I understand how slugging can be useful and necessary so why not make it a little less miserable for the survivors while also keeping it as an option for killers? If after three crows appear above you, meaning you’ve been slugged so long you’re considered AFK, you have the option to just die. Being slugged for 4 min isn’t really playing a game and a DC is a penalty. Killer still gets to slug and survivor gets to just move on to the next game. Thoughts on this?
I've always thought there should be a timer of sorts that would let a survivor give up if they wanted to. Something like 40 seconds of being slugged consecutively, or if your bleedout bar has hit a certain threshold like 50%, if no other living survivor is within 30 meters of you then you get the option to close your eyes and give up, causing you to die without needing to wait the full timer. I've had games where I've been bled out, or had to watch my friend bleed out for the entire 4 minutes because the killer just wanted to stand over them humping their body or whatever to "show who won", you can't possibly escape, you cant stand up, they wont kill you, and if you DC you lose anything you earned for that match. It's unfun, non-interactive, and nobody should have to put up with this abysmal waste of time if they don't want to. There isn't even a benefit to the killer for doing this other than their "earned 4k" (which is what they like to call it sometimes).
We should have the option to die if we want to, because there are even times where you crawl to a hook and the killer refuses to pick you up. They will literally wait for your bar to deplete before hooking you and that makes it even worse. This type of gameplay has to go. At least camping and tunneling is over pretty quickly, but a full bleedout is an eternity, it's over half the time of a normal game spent on the ground unable to do anything about it.
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Thank you! Happy to know I’m not the only person who’s thinking this. I feel like it’s taking the game hostage even though others disagree. Most of the time theres not a good reason to slug the entire team and there’s never a good reason to let them all bleed out. Plus I think being able to take away the entire hatch mechanic is not right.