Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

New hook placement on midwich.

Member Posts: 377
edited April 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

Look, I get the old placements were terrible for killer but this is a little ridiculous. Midwich is already a very killer sided map, But being able to hook people this close together is a bit much.

Post edited by DarkMyst on

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  • Member Posts: 5,951

    This isn't new. Hook spawn logic on Midwich is completely ridiculous and it has been this way for quite a while. Not saying, this is ok though. It definitely shouldn't happen.

    Please BVHR, fix this issue.

  • Member Posts: 5,735

    New hook logic there? Nah, they never talked about it in any recent patch notes. This map has still terrible hook logic out of any map by mile, usualy towards Survivors (1 hook for one whole section of 2nd floor, etc.)

  • Member Posts: 619

    Perhaps the lower hierarchy is terrible due to lack of hooks. hook sporn on this map is stupid.

  • Member Posts: 377

    I don't see how I'm wrong. It has the highest killrate of any map.

  • Member Posts: 377

    Yeah fair, I've been gone a little while. New for me would've been better phrasing.

  • Member Posts: 377

    Pretty sure it was when they changed the hook placements when there were hooks spawning backwards and one upstairs that was being blocked by a table.

  • Member Posts: 2,475

    At this point they just need to make fixed hook placements on Midwich. Clearly they can't have randomised hooks work on the map and the rest of the map including pallets is always fixed anyway. Just have the gens be random and that's it.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    Does highest kill rate make a map comparably killer sided or objectively killer sided?

    In other words, what if all the other maps had a kill rate of 5% hypothetically but Midwhich had a kill rate of 7%. Is Midwhich by your rational still “killer sided” because it has the highest kill rate even though it’s only 7%? Or would this actually mean it’s still survivor sided but it is simply comparably better than the other ones?

    My point being that just because a map has the highest kill rate doesn’t make it objectively killer sided, just simply better than the other maps.

  • Member Posts: 389

    I'd also want to dive into what killers do better. There are several I could see doing pretty terrible on it while others would do better.

  • Member Posts: 377

    Yes.. it is comparably better than the other ones. Thats my entire point. I'm not whining about it being better for killers. Coldwind farms exists Badham preschool exists, You could even argue the rework of eyrie of crows is still strongly favoured towards survivor. There should be maps that play better for one side than the other.

    Also technically yes. If midwich had a 7% kill rate (last time I saw it was 66%) and every other map had 5% midwich would be better for killers to play on than any other.

  • Member Posts: 377
    edited April 2023

    I got the time, Lets deep dive.

    1. Trapper: Trapper can close entire rooms and stairways off with traps to secure hook states and completely cut off parts of the map.
    2. Wraith: Can stealth behind walls and doorways, Much easier to not get light burned. Large deadzones midgame which make hit and run viable
    3. Hillbilly: ehhh Billy kinda struggles on any indoor map. Though the long hallways can make things alot easier than say lerys
    4. Nurse: Nurse go brrrrrrrr
    5. Myers: Great map for his stronger builds and scratched mirror on any indoor map is fun
    6. Hag: Same as trapper, She excels on maps with Z levels where you can cordon off entire areas, Small hallways make it much easier to have your traps triggered.
    7. Doctor: Impossible skillcheck build, Static blast can hit nearly the entire map with the right add ons.
    8. Huntress: Long hallways, Mostly low loops, Transition areas are mostly windows.
    9. Bubba: Bubba is just mid on every map these days. Could use some love tbh
    10. Freddy: Never played him, Can't really comment on it. Though i'd say being able to teleport upstairs on a whim is easier than having to walk up the stairs
    11. Pig: Stealth killers excel on indoor maps, being able to sneak up to someone basically right next to a door is much easier than say ormond.
    12. Clown: Transition areas are very narrow making bottles much easier to land than other maps. You can also predict where they're going to go based on the layout making bottles much more viable than other maps.
    13. Spirit: Long hallways make prediction much simpler.
    14. Legion:  It's not their worst map by any stretch, but it's not good either. Getting value out of Frenzy on the map is incredibly difficult because it is sort of larger than it's raw square footage. If you start a Frenzy on the bottom floor and someone is on the 2nd, you can't chain to them. But you can hear them on KI so it's easy to bait yourself into going for Frenzy chains you can't actually get. Added by FFirebrandd
    15. Plague: Long hallways, Low loops, Condensed areas of fountains
    16. Ghosty: Indoor map, I love this and lerys on ghostface. Being able to sneak up on people makes his power so much better.
    17. Demogorgan: I can't really say much, I don;t play him alot. I feel like being able to teleport between z levels gives his secondary the same kind of viability as freddy
    18. Oni: Long hallways, flickable transition loops. The only downside is the window transitions but if you can predict them you can make the window and hit the survivor in your power before they make the loop.
    19. Deathslinger: Best map for iri coin.
    20. Pyramid head: Window transitions, straight paths between pallets and transitions
    21. Blight: My mans running the hallways like a naughty schoolboy I've also seen some crazy hug techs pulled off there. I can't do it myself though lol
    22. Twins: Being able to completely cordon off areas. Dowsey gives a really good demonstration as to why twins is strong here.
    23. Trickster: I can't really comment. I feel like this is a bad map for trickster.
    24. Nemesis: His zombies excel on indoor maps. Running around a corner being mugged by susan is interesting to say the least. I'd also say that how the pallet set ups work make his power easier than other maps to hit.
    25. Cenobite: Being able to teleport Z levels, your power excels in tight areas.
    26. Artist: This map is bad for artist as far as im concerned.
    27. Sadako: Using the yellow rag add on you can make the entire map blind with TV placements.
    28. Wesker: Long hallways, Window transitions high travel to return. Means you can vault with the survivor and be on them before they can get back to the window.
    29. Knight: His power on this map is just obnoxious.
    30. Snore Merchant: Again, Your power being able to cover two floors is just obnoxious. If you put your power at the top of the stairs survivors will be nearly exposed before they get to the drone.
    Post edited by Jangles on
  • Member Posts: 2,446

    I can actually comment on Legion. It's not their worst map by any stretch, but it's not good either. Getting value out of Frenzy on the map is incredibly difficult because it is sort of larger than it's raw square footage. If you start a Frenzy on the bottom floor and someone is on the 2nd, you can't chain to them. But you can hear them on KI so it's easy to bait yourself into going for Frenzy chains you can't actually get.

    Obviously it isn't as bad as the survivor sided maps, but it isn't a good Legion map.

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