These killers need base changes... Nurse, Knight and Skull merchant

Nurse obviously is very overpowered, can shut down chases in an instant, 4 man slug at 5 gens. I mean supaalf is on like.. what.. 175 streak with her??? I don't know if she needs a complete rework or a long cooldown between blinks while making her base speed faster or what but something needs to change.
Knight. The fact that you can essentially have 2 killers chasing you is insane, is he's in chase with you, his minion shouldn't also be chasing you, or they need a waaaay longer cooldown. I successfully avoid being downed by him or his minion, oh wait nevermind his minion is back here in 2 seconds. You can't loop him, you'll have killers on either side of you, and you can't hold w because he'll just quickly place down a minion in the distance. Either can't be chased by both or needs a long cooldown.
Skull merchant just needs a complete power rework. Having a power that revolves around proxying the survivors objectives is such an unfun power to go against of even play for that matter. She is weak as hell in chases as all she can do is m1, but she can stop people extremely well from being able to progress the game. Solo q does not stand a chance at being able to coordinate enough to get past her 3 gen strategy, people end up in 30+ minute matches of basically making a tiny amount of progress, all survivors can do is either, make little progress, die or do nothing, even a swf struggle against her and this tactic.
I'm also going to mention some weak killers here that could use some buffs, sadako, dredge, doctor, pig and plague, there more I'm sure but these are my tops ones I'd like to see do a little better.
If your saying that it is a problem that supaalf is on 174 wins in a row you need to keep in mind that the only killer that this is possible with is nurse. But there are swf teams who get 200 in a row aswell. So if your conclusion is that nurse needs to be nerfed because of high win streaks then swf also needs to be nerfed.
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Swf could also use some looking into. I don't really know how you could nerf swf besides adding a debuff to gen progression depending on how big the swf is, but yeah if they could figure something out for swf it should get a nerf.
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That's completely valid especially the point with knight. You enter a single loop and he spawns his minion and you become zoned. W keying doesn't work anymore as now Knight players have gotten smarter and utilize minions unpredictably. Nurse is just a whole other topic, her lunge itself is crazy enough after blinking.
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You can't really punish players for playing with friends. You kinda need them to keep game alive.
SupaAlf is tournament level player, going against random survivors. Are you really surprised he is destroying them?
Nurse got nerfed. She is still best killer, but removing range add-ons and changing to special attack were good changes.
She is one of hardest killers. I wouldn't want her to get into Billy state, where your effort is basically not worth it.
Why knight tho? He is not really that strong imo. So what he can down you with his power? I mean, that's what killer's power is for.
Skull merchant can't chase, she is designed to be defending killer. It was bad idea to release her after knight, who had same playstyle. But that is result of survivors complaining about antiloop killers...
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Wait what? Did Supaalf reset his streak and got to 174 wins again? Because last time I checked (yes a few months ago), he was on 550+ wins on her (in a row of course).
About alf - you are not realy right. He was streamsnipped a few times by comp players. He made YT videos about it. A few times he was close to actually loosing the streak, but he always just won it again. Also... Most recently nurse got a huge buff in highest tiers - there is no longer any counterplay against her if you take flashlights - making her total beast again
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Flashlight nerf isn't that big buff. It was hard to pull off. Most survivors have never done it in their life.
Removal of exposed builds and range add-ons is bigger deal imo.
I wouldn't nerf her more atm. Again, don't want to see next Billy from her.
We could talk about some minor duration nerfs, but nothing big.
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Re-read what I wrote. Flashlight nerf IS A HUGE DEAL in HIGH MMR. The place where god nurses exists. It's not minor. It can be considered minor in low-to-mid MMR. That's 100% not the case in high MMR. Ask any bigger streamer about this. Ask any comp player about this. I am 100% sure everyone will say that it does matter in that environment (AKA the place where nurse is already too OP - because you can play very comfortably around baby nurse as is)
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Nurse requires a lot of practice and experience to do well with.People act like learning the muscle memory is all there is to her,thats just the skill floor,the bare minimum you need to achieve.She and blight are the only killer that truly respect your time,as learning to use their power properly is rewarding.Is there anything wrong with having such killers?Or do you want every difficult killer to be like billy,hardest killer to play and on the easiet to beat,what a joke.
Knight is unfun,i can agree with that but i wouldn't say he is broken.On maps like lerrys where you can just hold W his power is almost useless for example.There is counter play to it,that doesn't mean he wont down you eventually.Thats how the game is supposed to be played.You shouldn't be able to loop the killer for 2 minutes just because you looked behind you and waited properly.
Skull merchant stalling was nerfed,i don't get why you are crying so much.In fact the guy who has the highest winstreak on Skull merchant in Europe if not globally doesn't even camp with her and instead goes for chases.I can personally attest to that,her purple haste addon paired with STBFL or Bamb is disgusting.Breaking a 3 gen with virtually no regression in sight is not a difficult task.
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Nurse is still overly strong, obviously yes she takes skill, like many killers. I don't have any complaints about blight personally, I never mentioned him, nurse can shut down chases so quickly especially on very open maps so she has tons of line of sight. Getting slugged at 5 gens because of solo q and her being able to quickly teleport still across far distances just is not fun. Even supaalf is mentioning how overly strong nurse is and he's literally a nurse main.
With the knight there really is no counterplay to having 2 killers chase you and zone you if you're away from, or he's pushing you away from the flag. I think it's more than unfun, but overly strong in chase. He shouldn't be able to shut down a chase in under 20 seconds just because he can, hence he should either not have the ability to chase survivors with a minion or have a long cooldown between spawning minions. I don't think that's unreasonable
Skull merchant is still constantly 3 gening from the beginning of the game, I'm yet to see one that doesn't, and protects them the whole game, solo q doesn't stand a chance against that, and I only solo q when I play survivor, we cannot communicate to coordinate enough to counter that. The whole design of her power being proxying areas was a terrible idea and again don't think it's unreasonable to ask for a redo of her powers design. The amount of people that dc against her because they don't want to deal with it/don't want an insanely long match is immense.
I disagree completely.
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Oh I don't really keep up with his streaks, I just remembered he mentioned a streak of about that in what I thought was a recent video? Maybe it was older, not sure. But wow over 500 o.o
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The point i made with nurse is pretty simple.The time you spend learning killers feels underwhelming.I think billy is the most difficult killer in the game to play well and get good value out of his power, and yet he is one of the weakest.Nurse and Blight are the only killers who feel rewarding to spend hours in and master.Huntress and artist may seem like they do,but getting cross map snipes is not what wins you games and its almost impossible against good players,oni is to map reliant and to reliant on getting his power.Nerfing nurse because 1000 people have mastered her and are destroying players less skilled than them(comp does fine vs nurse) is no reason to nerf her,with that line of thought just give sperate nerfs to SWF.
Knight is a hold w killer.If he drops a guard in a loop just run.Do it right and you don't get hunted.Exhaustion perks make his minions obsolete.If he is right in your face and you are at a weak structure don't expect not to get hit,any anti loop killer would hit you,why shouldn't knight.Its similar to artist but i would argue he is weaker.If you want to see his counterplay just play him extensively and watch what good survivors do.
3genning from the start as skull merchant in the current patch simply does not work against any halfway decent or coordinated team.Base regression is terrible,and there aren't really any good regression perks that you don't get by hooking or downing people.Her chase potential is amazing btw,people just don't know how to play her.