Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Just got out of a 40 minute Skull Merchant game



  • Member Posts: 3,904

    Then you need to team up and bait and taunt and make the game interactive. You have the power to do that why not try and exercise it during the game?

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 514

    Snare Freddy has depth though. You could have chosen a better analogy.

  • Member Posts: 786

    Skull Merchant solos

  • Member Posts: 58

    What's wrong with her?

  • Member Posts: 562

    i wouldnt feel any type of way if she got removed from the game. she is an abomination, and should be deleted from existence.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    well yeah... if you just bolt in a straight line to the far side of the map then no she won't chase you, you gotta play around the 3 gen. Expecting her chase away from the advantageous position is a fools errand.

    There is a high chance you'll go down but then the game ends and you can move on.

    What kind of fool is sitting in a 40 min game grumping about the 40 min game. Get in there and mix it up and if you fail and die then move on to a new game.

  • Member Posts: 1,725

    PR = Scourge Hook: Pain Res

    This isn’t about winning every game. It’s about increasing our chance of success—particularly in solo queue.

    Because solo queue lacks comms, the best way to make sure everyone is focusing the same objective is to let SM 3-gen and attack it together.

    With my specific example, it isn’t something that happens every once in a while. It would happen every time the Killer runs full gen regression—which last patch was VERY frequent.

    This patch, we’ll see. I’ll probably have more success tearing thru the middle gen. I played against a Myers yesterday who lost their game making sure my gen never got done. I hopped on in it the first 15s of the match, was hooked once, and all 5 gens popped before I could finish mine.

    He lost the game defending my gen, which is why I like to work on the mid gen. But it’s usually pretty easy for Killers to make sure I work on one gen the entire game.

  • Member Posts: 3,904
    edited April 2023

    That's not what I said at all. That's a stretch at best.

    Don't misuse the term literally, it gets misused enough by people who don't know what it means.

    But hiding on the far side of the map or not playing as a team around the gen to try and distract the killer and then complaining about the lack of interaction is just kinda silly.

    If you're not happy with how the mechanics of a killer work provide some objective feedback in the feedback section, that's what its for.

    The OP starts with the sentence "I don't really have anything constructive to say about the killer."

    If you're just gonna say "game took to long waah, get rid of this waah"... well that's just whinging and people are gonna rightly say hey stop whinging you whinger.

    Or more productively they might say hey try this instead, you might still have some fun, like I did (in the second post admittedly the first is more a lil chuckle).

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • Member Posts: 5,251
    edited April 2023

    it's not that deep

    someone making a rant thread on the dbd forums to blow off some steam isn't that big of a deal lol

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • Member Posts: 5,962

    This is honestly my biggest issue with this tome. I actually have to play SM.

    She is just awful. Boring to play as and against. They should really go back to the drawing board with her and her completely rework everything from the ground up.

  • Member Posts: 3,055
    edited April 2023

    Playing survivor on controller is perfectly fine? You think keyboard and mouse would make it any easier? It wouldn't.

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • Member Posts: 3,904
    edited April 2023

    I'm well aware of that in fact I'd go so far to say that nothing on these forums is of any real consequence as its a computer game... in the wide scheme of things who really cares.

    But it is a discussion forum and we are here to discuss, so why not discuss it... otherwise why are we here?

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    Then each focus on a gen you keep tapping them till you either complete it or die trying. Either way you force the interaction and bring the game to a conclusion.

    Before someone else accuses me of promoting throwing the game, the primary complaint was that it went on for 40 mins, that only happens when neither side is trying to progress the objective.

    Remember we aren't discussing whether or not the mechanics of the skull collector are broken, we are whining about a 40 min game these are two different things and my response is to the topic of the latter not the concept of the former.

  • Member Posts: 8,332

    I took a break after her release because I had already finished last rift anyway and didn't want to keep playing against her while people were going for Adept. I came back day before this rift started and it was nice, not one Skull Merchant. Now I have back to back matches against her and it's not fun at all. At this point I just commit to a gen, either it gets done or I get killed but either way I'm not stuck in a ridiculously long match because she picked a 3 gen at the start and didn't leave it.

  • Member Posts: 1,721

    Whenever I think of Freddy, I think of him freshly after his rework where he was so simplistic that you could probably fall asleep while playing him. I can't think of any other killer that's simplistic to that level for the comparison.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    I don't agree with this thread. 0.25 c/s regress is incredibly slow. a team that completes a 45 charge(50% of generator) takes 180 seconds to regress. that is 3 minutes. 3 minutes is eternity to regress gens. Resetting/disable drones does not take 3 minutes. Keep in mind that 2 survivor progress gens very quickly. Like what does it take for a survivor to get 50% progression on a gen? 25 seconds or something? bottom line is that survivor win war of attrition.

    That is also why Overcharge and COB were heavily problematic perks in their old iteration because call of brine and overcharge combine with default regress would regress gens up 47% every 60 seconds. if you did math, it was 11%+15%+15% on Overcharge/COB/Default regress combine. The new values are like 2% and 4%. 2 survivor commit to gen for 25 seconds would do 50% progression but in 60 seconds, a killer almost erased entire progress of a survivor leading to grim-stalemates.

    At most, a good survivor team should take 5-15 minutes tops to break 3 gen. the match at its longest would be around 15-20 minutes. 40 minutes is completely excessive and is display of survivor incompetence.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    Ok so you do think its ok to "quit" against the killer in the same way I supposedly think its ok to "quit" against the killer by making a risky play with little potential success. I'm glad we see eye to eye.

    Welcome back to the mud.

  • Member Posts: 2,257

    So more and longer DBD is a bad thing?

    Yes, game relies on tension and rush.

    Example: professional sports - tripling the length of games would not triple the fun.

    Same way chases are the most fun part of the game but getting chased all game, aka tunneled, is a bad thing?

    Just because something is the most exciting part of the game does not mean it should be the only part of the game. Also, many people who talk about loving chases don't mind being tunneled, but that does not mean they represent everyone.

    The same way trying to achieve you own objective by any means is good but when your opponent does it its sweaty and bad?

    Saying game elements should be changed is not the same as criticizing how someone plays.

    The same way bringing the best perks yourself is good play but not the same as your sweaty take it too serious opponent who brought the best perks because they're bad?

    Saying game elements should be changed is not the same as criticizing how someone plays.

    The same way laying on ground for four mins is too long and bad but waiting out the endgame timer till the very last second for three mins is ok time use?

    Neither is okay.

    The same way that getting eliminated early is bad but having to stay in game for too long is also bad and pretty much any scenario in between?

    Same response as the top. 4 minutes of DbD is not a lot of fun, neither is 30, sweet spot is found in between.

    This community is interesting sometimes, they really hate this game, they hate playing it, they hate investing time into it, they hate everyone else who plays it, they hate anything that might happen in game... yet they keep playing it. Its fascinating.

    Not really fascinating, fairly basic. When things line up DbD is great. Probably the best multiplayer game I've ever played. But on many occasions its also been the worst game I've ever played. Now whether it is possible to cut down on the bad games while still keeping the good games is an open question, but shouldn't really surprise anyone that people want the good and not the bad.

  • Member Posts: 533

    Janitor is probably a legitimate gamer. I don't think they play their own game, or at least not like we do.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    disagree. its not stalemate after the perk adjustments. first of all, there is no reason disable her drones in a 3 gen at base-kit because exposed status effect does absolutely nothing because skull merchant has a normal terror radius of 32 meters. what this means that you can hold-w around 15-20 meters ahead on skull merchant meaning that skull merchant has to catch-up if she wishes to chase a survivor. it does not matter that you are exposed because expose means nothing if killer cannot confirm hits. I am not entirely sure what to call this, but you are holding-w pre-chase and having good positioning. Otz tend to call this technique yoyoing generators because survivor is standing at perfect distance where they will get to a pallet if killer commits to chase but is able to come in reach of a generator if killer moves away. All you need to do is stand 15 meters away as skull merchant places drone and keep gen-tapping the gen until you finish gen. You avoid taking any hits to avoid wasting time healing. The killer kick regression is laughable without perks. you can beat killer regression by gen-tapping and yoyoing generators. The skull merchant drones are nothing more then distraction. you can entirely ignore their existence. The only time i would say disabling drone is good is when skull merchant commits to a chase and there multiple survivors the drone area, you can disable drone to decrease m/s bonus while you push the generators.

    Overcharge and call of brine were only perks that made 3 gens difficult to break. they could stall out the game if the survivor make a mistake and take unnecessary hits in 3 gens. As the survivor spends time healing, the two perks would regress generators potentially leading to stalemates especially against high-tier mobility killers that counter shift-w and yoyoing tactics from survivors.. Higher-tier could use these perks to stall out the game and kill survivors while low tier killers like skull merchant could stall out the game for 60 minutes if the survivor was incompetent at defeating 3 gen-lock. As a result of killer taking game hostage, they weakened the perks to make them less obnoxious to go against.

    If your struggling to beat 3 gen's post-update, I would say its skill issue from survivor side. Not a problem with the game balance.

  • Member Posts: 2,342

    I knew the changes BHVR made wasn't going to reduce camping. All it did was improve her chase potential letting her go back to camping gens afterwards faster.

  • Member Posts: 34

    Some play normally but then there is the other side who 3 gen since the start and will not go to other generators. Always camps at one spot, disable their drone and she quits chasing someone to go back to you to reactivate it. Over and over.

    I have played skull merchant and I have played against her, I only needed 3 matches to finish her achievements cause she was so easy, you don't need any aura perks for her, her drones give you way too much information 24/7. And how easily she can replace drones in a second even while in a chase even tho it takes survivor close to 30 seconds to take it down.

    Her lock on expose is incredible long, it feels like a minute till it goes away and she knows where you are. They could have nerfed her to only able to use 2 drones at the same time or nerf its range by 2x but keep 4? Also her grey addon where survivor can destroy pallets by vaulting needs to be changed or removed, that is at least purple add on yet they made it grey lol?

    Its better getting somekind of nerf rather than nothing at all towards her 3-gen potential, its incredible long, boring and people will DC more. We need more killers that are fun to play and fun to go against not freddy mixed with knight gen camp type

  • Member Posts: 1,132
    edited April 2023

    Overcharge and CoB add 55% extra regression speed in the best case scenario where Overcharge reaches 30 seconds. That's barely anything.

  • Member Posts: 368

    If it can only happen once, sure, but when it can be consistently be reapplied in a short window of time and with the ability to deny progression consistently, then it's significant.

  • Member Posts: 1,132

    It can't be applied in a short window of time because Overcharge takes 30 seconds to build up. 55% extra regression is nothing. It would stil take 232 seconds to fully regress a gen.

  • Member Posts: 5,251

    That's incorrect

    COB has no cooldown, it is active on a gen for 60 seconds but if regression is interrupted and it's rekicked the 60s timer resets. Every generator you kick will have 60s of COB regression unless it's interrupted by a survivor

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