Rough Anti-Camp/Basement/New Mechanic(s) Idea

AssortedSorting Member Posts: 960
edited April 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

Looking for feedback on how this might play out from a gameplay perspective:

Hooked Survivors have a Specter form on the Basement Hook, if they are Hooked on a non-Basement Hook. They can be unhooked either from where they are actually Hooked, or they can be unhooked from the Basement Hook via their specter.

  • This should eliminate most camping, while also retaining the lethality of getting hooked near/in Basement.

Basement has "Tunnels" that lead to the corners of the Map, which can be traversed by both Survivor and Killer. Entering a Tunnel via the Basement will Trigger Killer Instinct on Survivors.

  • This prevents basement camping to a degree that it can't be done at the stairway chokepoint.
  • This gives Killers a base-kit mobility tool so that they don't always have to come from the same direction that Survivors see them go to add a sense of uncertainty
  • Survivors can use them to try and get a mindgame if they pop into the Tunnels from outside of The Basement.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • AssortedSorting
    AssortedSorting Member Posts: 960

    So what about the Hooks near those Exit/Entrances to The Basement? Doesn't that effectively expand the range of "They're hooked near basement?"

    Hmm, that is a problem, especially depending on how fast it is to traverse these "Tunnels".

    Maybe make it so that there's a Breakable Wall Object that starts at the start of the Trial, blocking the "Tunnel" threshold? Let both Survivors/Killer interact with it to destroy it, but anytime that a Player exits a Tunnel from the Basement, it resets itself? (This would also effectively add a buffer preventing the Killer from hiding across the map at another Tunnel entrance to catch a Survivor going for a Basement unhook).

  • AssortedSorting
    AssortedSorting Member Posts: 960

    How would that handle network race conditions? Is it a zone that a player has to stand in, an interactable button prompt to "traverse" the fog through the Tunnel?

    Probably better to make it a button prompt. Only allow one player to interact with a given "Tunnel" at a time. It would need to be handled from the server side.


    Blight stands near Tunnel 1 on one side of the map, after having Hooked Survivor A near Tunnel 3 on the other side of the map. Survivor B unhooks Survivor A in The Basement, after making sure there is at least one "Tunnel" for Survivor A to go through. Blight enters Tunnel 1, chases Survivor A who exits and thus blocks their Tunnel 4, Blight then needs to Break the Wall for Tunnel 4, giving Survivor A a head-start to break line of sight.

    But what if Survivor A runs towards the Tunnel that the Blight is coming through in the first place? Should there be an indication that the Killer is nearby a Tunnel entrance?

  • AssortedSorting
    AssortedSorting Member Posts: 960
    edited April 2023

    Gut the initial number of pallet spawns at the Start of the Trial and make Survivors build/set them up over the course of the Trial if they want more.

    And maaaaybe also some Vaults would need some kind of interaction to "Open"

  • bazarama
    bazarama Member Posts: 210

    Sure make the maps bigger and have absolutely no defence at all in end game as killer can't track hook and basement.

    There's enough survivor second chance perks without creating a 'fith" survivor.

    Reducing ridiculous gen speed should mean more chases and less camping.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,403

    It doesn't.

    Gen speed has been slowed over the years numerous times.

  • AssortedSorting
    AssortedSorting Member Posts: 960

    If Gen speeds are ridiculous, why is camping an issue? Shouldn’t the gens be done before the Survivor dies on hook, leading to a 1K, and sifting the Killers MMR down lower to a more appropriate lobby for faster chases and/or reinforcing that camping isn’t a good strat?

    Or is camping an effective strategy even in the face of these Gen speeds? In this case, how would slowing down gens reduce the effectiveness of camping? Or would it just make camping that much more of an attractive strategy?

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,605

    Dislike this idea completely, Unhooking ghosts? it would eliminate any ties this game has to an actual realistic slasher horror movie.

    No thanks mate, Keeping things simple and in ties with slasher movie narrative is better, its what people expect.

    I would rather suggest bHVR add more gameplay to a Camping/ Tunneling situation. Let survivors have a chance to knock the Killer over just to buy enough time to escape and prolong the struggle. this would be much more in line with slasher movie narratives.

  • AssortedSorting
    AssortedSorting Member Posts: 960

    So you know the groans and screams you hear while in The Basement?

    Think of that as the connection to The Entity, the collective suffering, fear, and pain of all those that inhabit The Entity's realm which fuels The Entity.

    The Shrine of Sacrifice itself being a conduit to siphon power from this Auric Fear Fusion process as orchestrated by the Mad Designer, the one responsible for the subset of the Realm of The Entity we experience as The Trials.

    All the Hooks above-ground feed into the Shrine of Sacrifice.

    At least that's how I'd lore-ify it.

    But you're not wrong, it's less Slasher and more Eldritch.

    I'd just prefer to go more of an Eldritch Horror route than Fighter game route.

  • AssortedSorting
    AssortedSorting Member Posts: 960
    edited April 2023

    Why aren't you playing For Honor then? You seem dead-set on making DBD a Fighting Strategy game.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,605

    Idd prefer a Slashergame with some fighting over the ghost stories you just tried to sell me.