Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

The slippery slope of the Dead Hard nerf.

Dead hard was already nerfed once, the dev's said it's now harder to use but more rewarding when it works. NOW it's been nerfed again. People are proposing all kinds of silly changes for dead hard when the only change should be a full revert back to what it was, which was harder to hit and yet easy to bait out! Now people are complaining about sprint burst and other exhaustion perks. Stop nerfing popular perks and claiming it's for balance and to shake up the meta it's not and all you've done is once again piss off your community.


  • FootMan2893
    FootMan2893 Member Posts: 333

    Dead hard has never been easy to bait out and the perk is so damn game changing that killers have to play around it even if it's not actually there. Regardless of the iteration it meant you can no longer lunge as killer unless the survivor using it has the reaction time of a sloth. The first iteration had the same ups as the second while also: Allowing you to use it for distance to make a pallet or window you wouldn't have been able to.

    Get through certain killer powers like trapper's traps.

    And ignore collision with killers and survivors when it mattered.

    Literally the only people complaining about it being gone is hardcore survivor mains who based their entire gameplay around the perk. Meanwhile killer mains across the board, including very objectively neutral killer mains who had skills to back it up like Otz, always held the opinion that it's a dumb mechanic. Unless of course you count the killer "mains" or the people who "play both sides".

    Dead hard needed a nerf. Hell, it needs to be removed all together. If you lost in a chase a survivor should never have an on demand get out of jail free card that saves them from their own mistakes.