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I was playing dbd on PS5 after the 6.7.0 update. During match sometimes I got FPS drops in some places. Sometimes my character, sometimes auras, sometimes killer, and sometimes generators frozing. Its like FPS drop.
I thought it was because of the heart thing(I am started to using it after update). But even though I turn this setting off, I'm still having problems.
edit: I noticed that with the heart icon off, I run into fewer problems than usual. Please let me know how often you experience it so that I can convey the problem to them in detail.
1-Open DBD on PS5.
2-Play as a survivor online.
3-Notice the FPS drops during match.
Additional information
- Character played: Meg Thomas
- Perks played: Adrenaline, Windows of Opportunity, Boil Over and Self-Care
- Map: Grave of Glenvale
- Frequency of the issue: %60-70 during game
I was able to record some parts of the problems. I hope you understand.
I left a comment on another post, but exactly the same. The animals on Saloon moved at an extremely low frame rate, same for my hook death animation, random interactions etc