Is there an acceptable way for killer to win?



  • momisplayingdbd
    momisplayingdbd Member Posts: 24

    Well... I just don't rush the gens, if we had like 3 to 4 gens done and no one is dead, than I go cleanse a totem or go find a chest to give him time for chases... but usually they still get their 3K or 4K... 😅

  • KMainEZ
    KMainEZ Member Posts: 129

    Then i guess I won't understand the problem, because you just stated you enjoy dying, yet when the killer kills you there's a problem of you not getting to play the game. I might be stupid, but that does read rather contradictory. Am i correct then in assuming your idea of playing is dependent on what the other side, and even your side allows? Unfortunately, if that's the case i don't think i will ever understand you're argument. My point was, play your way. You can do that. No matter what, you can do that. You play your way until you're on the hook. You play your way if youre killer, if you're survivor. You can win, you can lose, it doesn't matter. You CAN play you're way.

  • xPrinceHarlequinx
    xPrinceHarlequinx Member Posts: 180

    I mean, me personally, I don't necessarily care how they play but I think the mentality comes from the fact that what is fun for killer, isn't going to be fun for survivors and vice versa. Its just how the game is designed.

    Ex: Its super fun to speed around the map and stabby stab all the survivors as legion however it is miserable to constantly mend as survivor.

    Ex 2: Playing Blight is ridiculously fun, but going against him can be a pain and feel annoying

    Ex 3: Snatching people off gens can be super fun as a stealth killer but getting snatched or having them play a hit and run playstyle with sloppy either turns into a healing simulator or if you decide to just stay injured and they sneak up on you again, you just go down.

    The fun in this game is subjective and unfortunately, in most cases, if one side is having loads of fun the other side is probably not. Which leads to the "unwritten rules" the community has come up with and we hear so much about.

  • momisplayingdbd
    momisplayingdbd Member Posts: 24

    Yes u could be right, but this is the way I find to give the killer time to chase and hook all survivors, to make him feel he can play the game as a whole too, chasing all survivors and spreading hooks and it is totally ok for me when he get his kills. He played fair, so why not?

  • EvilSerje
    EvilSerje Member Posts: 1,070

    Of course it doesn't exist for me, in all my killer matches saw dedicated gen-rush squads maybe two times at best, they are exclusively only in your matches. But blatant labeling "survivor main" tells a lot, actually...

  • NotAnotherDoctor
    NotAnotherDoctor Member Posts: 311

    I came to the conclusion long ago that no matter what you do as killer, people are still gonna complain about something. You might as well just do what you want at that point.

    I think this community has an unhealthy habit of trying to tell people how to play a game that they paid for.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    Everything you said is factually correct. Most of the people I play with in a SWF cannot play anywhere near at the same level as killer. So many times I hear people say : why is the killer tunneling?

    The reply that floors 100% of people who ask is : when was the last time you played as survivor and got all gens to 33% before ever getting a generator to 66%? Nobody plays like that because it is incredibly inefficient.

    -"Yeah 3 gen isn't as bad as people make it out to be tbh"

    Skull Merchant and Knight kind of ruined the game in that they were abusive when combined with a 3 gen WITH only slowdown perks. Instead of fixing the problematic killers they killed slowdown for most of the other killers.

  • Archael
    Archael Member Posts: 852

    When i agreed that people should play the game they payed for, You disagreed.

    You admitted You dont understand my point, but still trying to argue...

    Then who is contradicting?

    Before trying to argue, first try to understand what are You argueing with. If You dont, then any arguments are irrelevant.

    If You use some argument im one case, dont be surprised if someone uses same argument in other case. Or i guess this argument is valid only if You are using it?

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,449

    You are playing the game. Getting tunneled and camped is a part of Dbd. You may not enjoy the experience on the receiving end, which is fine, but you’re still playing the game.

    Also, who gets to decide what’s fair in a game where it’s supposed to take four people to do good teamwork to beat one player who’s supposed to be stronger when it’s 1 vs 1? It’s not you or me, it’s the Devs. Tunneling and Camping are an inherent part of Dbd. They’re never going away, doing so will take away player agency from killer players and would make the role much more undesirable than it already is. In order to remove them would require the devs to completely change the core mechanics of the game, which will never happen.

    If you’re honest, you’re not upset about “not playing the game” you’re upset about the killer not letting you play how you want, where you get free reign to do gens or fully reset after getting rescued.

  • Archael
    Archael Member Posts: 852

    This post feels as entitled killer main who needs to explain itself... I dont know if i should laugh or cry.

    Yes, to win every gamę, especially in higher mmr killers have to tunnel and camp, but this is bad design, and not killers option. Those are problems that have to be addresed by the devs so that killer will be on pair with squad of four but camping and tunneling would not be possible. I bet that after such changes even You would find yourself there, maybe not right away since camping would not be possible, but after some time, after realize that You not only can't but also dont need to camp to win a game.

    Tbh. But it may be because of my low mmr, without camping and tunneling, and sometimes ignoring certain survs only to do 8h before killing, im still getting mostly 2-3k. So it is possible.

    And im trying to use Holder rule. I'm not doing things that i dislike.

    Everyone is making mistake, but because of one mistake at the start of the game im hanging on a hook for total playtime of 2min? This is bs, i call it bs and i mean it. Everyone is making mistake and only because i did it earlier i cannot play the game i payed for. Game should give players ability to correct their mistakes and learn. This is what i do for others and would be nice that others would do that for me, but i'm talking here about devs, they should change some aspects of the game its their responsibility for players to enjoy the game in other ways than camping or bullying.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 2,177

    You can't please all of the people all of the time.

    What you're talking about is just the nature of how human beings operate. There is no survivor 'community' with the same set of opinions. Some people want quick fast games (in which case tunneling fine), some want longer, slower games (in which case old gen regression was fine), and some want strategic games (3 genning fine). People want to pull the game in different directions and given BHVR's general attitude that people can play the game how they want, DbD is a bit more susceptible to it than other games (though not unique).

    Additionally, lots of survivors, though by no means all, are asking BHVR to make changes, not complaining about how a person played a game. As an example, I have no problem with killers hard tunneling or survivors bringing 4 BNPs, but that's different from my opinion on what BHVR should do in game design about those tactics.

    Finally, lots of the complaints have to deal with the difference between soloQ and SWFs. Take 1st hook facecamping for example: in a SWF the person on the hook just says 'stay on the gen, the killer is right here'. The team can work out when they are going to go in for a rescue and potentially have a player with deliverance to do a hook trade. And even if they never get a rescue, it's a lot easier to share a victory when you are playing with friends.

    That's really different for soloQ. Survivors run over to the hook and see the killer is standing there. Then they have to figure out whether to go back to the gen or do a team rescue which they have to organize without comms. And if they decide to leave the person on the hook and do gens and get a 3 person escape, it doesn't really feel like a victory for the person on the hook.

  • TeemoSurfer
    TeemoSurfer Member Posts: 26

    Wait a minute killers are allowed to win?

    We'll that's news to me. As a killer main no matter what I do right to win I get called everything under the sun.

    But if the survivors win I get tea bagged flashlight spammed and called trash and told to uninstall.

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405

    Those I'd say are outliers which make the problem worse. I still chalk that up to poor design and I can't be mad at the actual players since it does make sense to utilize that well.

  • LuthirFontaine
    LuthirFontaine Member Posts: 375

    Killers are free to do whatever but don't expect survivors to complaint your amazing camping or slugging skillz

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,948

    12 hooking? That's so toxic. What if a survivor wants to get chased all game because gens are boring?!

    Losing isn't acceptable either as the survivors might not feel like they achieved anything great, if you got stomped too hard.

    In short: There really is no way of playing killer and not upsetting someone.

  • DaddyMyers_Mori
    DaddyMyers_Mori Member Posts: 2,205

    I don't really camp or tunnel. At least never from start (going into the game with plan to do it).

    I use it only to punish survivors.

    If I see they ignore teammate on hook, I will go there to wait few seconds. They wanted to do gens instead, so I get free hook stage.

    Unhooked teammate and went hiding? Why should I care, if they want me to chase them, I will gladly do that, but I am not going to ignore survivor just because he was hooked before.

    My issue is that I see survivors complain on every strategy killer can use and it just doesn't make sense to me. It's impossible to balance this game on 12 hooks games.

    They basically did it with killers too. You had Nemesis, Cenobite, Artist, Dredge almost in a row and there was lot of complains on antiloop killers, because holding W is not fun. To be fair killers were saying same thing :D

    but what is alternative?

    Stealth killer? Yeah, Onryo ended really well... (mostly disliked by killers, weak unless you go condemn build)

    Defensive? Knight and Merchant are probably two least popular killers right now

    Speed killer? Wesker was definetly a success, but this is hard category, because most concepts will be worse Blight.

    If you do any side objective killer, it will be soloQ stomper -> Pinhead

  • KMainEZ
    KMainEZ Member Posts: 129

    Perhaps i don't understand your point because you either Don't have one, or the one you do have is poorly formed you absolute egg. Re read my original argument before coming along with your pseudo intellectual, condescending writing style pretending you have any idea wtd you're talking about. I said play how you want. You said wah wah i cant. I said you can.

    Im done arguing with this potato logic

  • ShroudedGhostFace
    ShroudedGhostFace Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 135

    Some people will complain no matter what strategy you use

  • LuthirFontaine
    LuthirFontaine Member Posts: 375

    Why do you care if they complain? You ( not personally you but killers who scum) don't care if the game is not fun for them but if someone vents about being bleed out you don't want too see it? I'm supposed to care about your forum viewing pleasure?

  • DaddyMyers_Mori
    DaddyMyers_Mori Member Posts: 2,205

    I just find it interesting, how everything is "bad" for survivors, acting like poor victims.

    There simply have to be way to win, otherwise it's not really balanced.

    Well, lot of killers do same, but I feel gen rushing crying was made up to simply combat tunneling crying.

  • Cynwale
    Cynwale Member Posts: 205

    Exactly, they always act like it's toxic killers that create toxic survivors, when in fact toxic killers doesn't exist, while toxic survivors is 97% of the playerbase.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    So, just out of interest, how much kills should a killer get on average if the game was balanced?

  • LuthirFontaine
    LuthirFontaine Member Posts: 375

    Been a few rough games buddy?

    Also killer has the ability to be a lot more toxic then survivor. At worst a survivor can tea bag and dance around exit? Annoying and stupid don't get me wrong but killers can just chase them out. Survivors can't do anything when slugged and bleed out.

  • Cynwale
    Cynwale Member Posts: 205
  • LuthirFontaine
    LuthirFontaine Member Posts: 375

    No mither?! Now I know your trolling haha good one. Should I bring MoM and Buckle up too?

  • Cynwale
    Cynwale Member Posts: 205

    Oh wait, little Survivor main cannot bring something else than meta perks?

  • LuthirFontaine
    LuthirFontaine Member Posts: 375

    I don't really use meta, but suggesting no mirther has got to be a joke right?

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    And should that factor in killers camping and tunneling? Because then its unbalanced, against solo camping and tunneling has a way higher kill rate i would suspect. So one could argue, the balance is off in favor for the killers.

    But i think devs balance around killers as a whole, and the ones that dont camp and tunnel in conjunktion with swf drag the kill rate down enough.

  • DaddyMyers_Mori
    DaddyMyers_Mori Member Posts: 2,205

    It includes everyone. Except DC games I think.

    Highest kill rate had Pinhead with 60%. Rest is between 60-50%. I think Trickster and Nurse were under 50%.

    So if you think tunneling and camping is increasing kill rate that much, then it can't be simply nerfed.

    Kill rate is currently on correct %, so if you nerf it, then it would get way lower.

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    A strange game.

    The only winning move is

    not to play.

    How about a nice game of chess?

  • H2H
    H2H Member Posts: 872

    Is there an acceptable way for a killer to win?


  • rednael
    rednael Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    Made a Forum account just to add my take to this lol.

    Pretty much all of the thing you discribed are totally fine and, (like you said) needed to 4k on some killers. From what i am getting the Game has become way more competetive for players that have played for a while. With a Competetive game come complaint from everyone. Most of the time it's just mad players malding, both sides take this game way too serious and Hostile at times. Whatever though, Haters gonna Hate. Best thing to do is drop a "gg :)" and close the chat.