Suggestion: An idea to fix tunneling

A solution to reduce tunneling significantly requires two things: #1. Reward the killer for hooks and #2. Make tunneling harder and more time consuming. It's a two-way street. Doing one, without the other, doesn't really fix the issue. And while I get that it's a tactic in the game, I wouldn't argue it's not, it's one that's not particularly fun. Kind of like Dead Hard for killers. It's in the game, you can use it all you like, it's not toxic, but it's still annoying. Even if you are just doing it to win. I'd hope we could all agree there. And no, it's not the killers job to make sure the survivors have fun. But I'd argue that it is the dev's job to make sure both sides are having fun.

My proposal is simple: Add a secondary objective coming off hook for survivors to do before they can work on gens again. I don't have any EXACT details for how this would work. But a lot of people have wanted a secondary objective for a while now: But they've always wanted it before the gens are started rather than after being unhooked. If instead we put it after being unhooked... it could potentially be used to combat the dreaded tunneling (and without making killer's lives more miserable).

Removing one player from the game is currently the strongest thing for killers. Under this proposal, killers would get just that from a single hookstage, but for a more limited time. In exchange, survivors would have some form of protection. Perhaps they would lose all collision until they finished their task or a set period of time (Putting both in there, in order to prevent abuse), and their unhooked perks would pause until they completed the task. It would require testing to determine how long this period should last. But this would reward killers more chasing different survivors and help keep survivors in the game longer. It'd also be a new mechanic, which the game has been sorely lacking for a while now. I wish I could give some rough numbers, but I feel like that might overshadow the idea a bit as people focus on the numbers rather than the idea. And perhaps the protection would not trigger if all gens have been completed.

To simplify it (or TLDR:)Survivors would get protection off hook (Perhaps losing collision, or something else) , during their most vulnerable period, in exchange they would not be able to work on generators either until they complete a task or a set amount of time has passed, instead being able to do some secondary objective -- this would give killers a period of time in the match, without killing anyone, with just three survivors instead of four, thus rewarding them for hooks rather than kills. And the 'protection' would not be enabled when all 5 generators have been completed (nor would they have to complete any sort of task to open the gates)

Maybe it's a bad idea. But even bad ideas should be discussed because I think it could lead us to figuring out how to make the game better for everyone regardless of which side they play.


  • Wilx
    Wilx Member Posts: 99

    I thought one night about how I'd do it if I was developing the game from the ground up. I didn't come up with anything much, but why should I, I'm not their developer. But I do think it would solve the problem. Not sure how you'd fit it in to the dbd lore though.

    Either a perk or basekit that teleports the player to a safezone if they're hit within X amount of seconds of being unhooked. And their aura can't be read. It would force the killer to search the map, so why would they bother tunneling and waste more time?

    Camping on the other hand. Just make the hooked survivor teleport between hooks if the killer is face camping for X amount of seconds and freeze the timer for a while.

    Again I don't know how you'd write this in to lore, but i do think it would force killers to stop camping and tunneling. All bets are off in end game though, obviously. 😉